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Tords P.O.V

Whyyyyyyy! I hate school! The only thing I like about school is matt, edd, and tom. Even though we fight all the time, tom and I. But I like him, he never would like me though, you could tell even if you didn't know us. We met in kinder, but after an accident with some drugs in 7th grade did he start to hate me. I tried to so sort and meant for none of it to happen but he wouldn't give in. I felt bad, but he will hangout with me so I guess that's a plus. I'm walking to lunch as people stair at me, there has been this rumor going around school that I was beaten up, and believe me, I know that is so stupid to think that's true, I'm pretty short for my age but if I got beaten up then I would have bruises and scraps but I don't so. I make it to the lunch room and sit down after getting lunch, which contains of broccoli, soup and apple sauce, the usual. I what for the group to get here as I get out of class as fast as possible and also that everyone but tom has class right before lunch on the other side of the building. I have chemistry, and tom has health and they both are across from each other. once the group gets here we start talking. "Hey so guys, I have been bored all day and was thinking that since today is a Thursday anyways why don't we all go to my house and then to the movies tomorrow?'' Edd said. "Sure!" Matt yelled. "Ok, I could do with getting away from the house." I say to Edd. "Yeah I'll go" Tom said as he picks at his food with a disturbed look. "Why soup!?" Tom said complaining about the food sitting in front of him. If I where being honest, I hate the school food, its disgusting. "Hey uhh, I-I'm going to throw my food away." I say as I stand up and walk away. I get there and i hear people whispering and giggling, Jeff and Randy. "Ugh, What do you guys want." I say very annoyed, knowing they will try to harass me. "Oh come on tord! We just wanted to check up on you, ya know how like you got beaten up." Randy says smirking, his smirk got me kind of scared, he has putt in many in the hospital and also he has been hurting me ever since kinder. "u-uh y-you do know t-that didn't happen, r-right?" Great now they know I'm scared! "Oh but is it? At least-" Randy starts walking up to me and I try to back up, failing do to the wall and trash cans. He grabs me by the collar of my t-shirt. "-not when you walked in the cafeteria you weren't." He says as he lifts me up and slams me to the wall. My head hits it and I try to fight back. He punches me in the gut and I knell down do to the pain, he kicks my legs intill I am forcing my self to stand up.  I try fighting back but to no avail. A small crowd is gathering around and they are now is starting to make me bleed, from my nose because Jeff punched it. No teachers ever stay in this part of the school. As I look up from the fight that I am part of I see the crowd being parted. At first I saw Matt and he ran back. People where gasping and others where recording the whole thing. Edd and Tom walk up and Tom pulls Randy off of me, picking him up and throwing him, head first into the trash can. He pushes Jeff into the crowd of people, drowning him. Edd walks over to me and is asking me if I am ok, and tom walks over with a couple of napkins and starts wiping the blood off of my face and then asks if I'm ok, of which I respond to both with "Better now."  Tom helps me up and takes me to the nurses office. The nurse tells him he can go and with that I thank him for his help and he said no problem.

Time Skip To after school!!!! ( Now this is my queue to stop writing, peace!)

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