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Tords P.O.V

W-what? Where am i. And is t-that. T-TOM? Wait... ooooh! Last night. I remember! He, he said he likes me back... does this mean we are dating?

I woke up and look at tom, remembering last night. I look up at the sky, then back at the feeling on me leg. Wow, that is really deep. Couldn't really see it in the dark last night. I got to get up and not be stuck like this. I try to squirm away from tom without waking him. I stop once he was moving. He stopped and took that as my signal to go. I get up and wince at the pain, drawn in my left leg. I get the part of toms hoodie off. I look at it and then look at the gash. Ow... Well. i don't really know what to do now... Do i wait for tom or go off and leave him. I don't know. There are a lot of pedophiles and drugies here during the day so i guess i will stay with him.

~Time skip by: Me~

"T-tord?" I hear from the behind me. I turn around to see that tom has already woken up. "O-oh, hey tom!" I say trying to act cool. "Uh, how did you sleep?" He asks. "Well, I fell asleep easily and slept pretty, ok." I say. "How about you?" I ask. "Well, I slept well." Is all tom said. "Oh. Good! You want to walk back home?" I ask him. Knowing its probably late in the morning. "S-sure." We start walking, and having a normal conversation. "S-so,last night..." Tom brings up. "Y-yeah?" I ask, my face is getting red. " Your leg. I-is that ok?" He asked. "Yeah.." I say. "We keep walking, then I feel him take my hand. I start to blush more, now looking like my hoodie. "H-hey tom I-" I try to say but then get interrupted by someone, no. Some man coming up to us. He looks at tom, then looks down at me. He was about 6ft tall, almost 7ft. He kneels down to my height. "Hey! How are you?" He asks smiling. I back up. "G-good" I say. I look up at tom and see that he looks confused. I then look down at his other hand, it was in a fist. "Well, looks like your hurt. May I look at it?" He asks. I am getting sorta freaked out. "I-I g-guess so." I say He looks at it and then pulls out some bandages.  "Can I help you?" He asks. At this point, im pretty terrified. I don't feel like getting abducted. "N-nah, im good." I say. he then stands all the way up. He then starts talking to tom. I don't really hear them but I hear. "But do you?" The guys said. Tom responded with. "Yes." And then he was pushed down by the guy. "T-TOM!" I yell and try to rush over to him, only to be picked up by the man. "H-HEY, LET ME GO!" I yell im kicking him and hitting his back. I look as tom gets up and runs after us.  I kick him, and my foot hits his groin. "A-aah! You motherfucker." He says in a stern tone. He then proceeded to throw me into some RV type house and close the door. I hear Tom yelling and the guy laughing. I try to get out but with a really hurt leg and a now hurting arm from being thrown its hard. I then hide as I hear the door open. "Alright kid! Stop hiding." He yells. I feel some tears burning the corners of my eyes. I try to hold them back but they fall anyway. He then gets closer, and moves the box I was behind. "Now your going to pay for kicking my dick!" He yelled. He picked me up then threw me back on the ground. He then started to get on top of me. NOPE I AM NOT BEING RAPPED! I think "STOP! GET OFF ME!" I yell. "Oh don't try to yell, your friend cant hear you~. At least, he can in heaven.~" He said. I stop as he starts to put his hand up my jacket and shirt. After hearing that, I feel like I deserve this. But then i hear tom outside. "......liar...." I whisper. He then leans down to whisper in my ear. "What~?" He asked. "LIAR!!" I yell as I use all my strength to push him of. I Look around and grab a vase. He smash it on his head. " YOU LITTLE SHIT! FUCK!" he yelled as I run for the door. I open it and run out. I see tom trying to bust the window. "TOM, LETS GO!" I yell at him to get his attention. I Then run up to him and grab his hand. We both start running for the exit. We run through the hole through the fence. We take a dash to the bridge. We get there and stop. I look behind me to see if he was still there, we lost him. "Shit..." I hear tom say. "W-what's wrong." I ask tom. He runs up and hugs me. "I cant believe I almost let that happen to you! What was he doing to you???" He asks as tears fall down his face. "H-he........ almost rapped me...." I say in a hushed tone. He then pulls me back into a hug. "Im sorry,im sorry, im sorry!" He said crying "Tom, its ok. It wasn't your fault. I said. "But-" "No buts" I say. After we hug for a little he pulls away. He then kisses me, I kiss back to. we pull away and start walking. I wince at the pain from my arm and mostly my leg but don't show it. 

~Time skip~   again

Toms P.O.V.

We make it to Tords house. "You want to stay or go back to your house?" He asks me. I Really want to hang out with tord. "Yeah, ill stay" I say. We walk in and go to the living room. The place looks the same, I don't know what I expected, except the fact its been 2 years. "Make yourself at home, I am going to bandage up my leg." Tord says. I sit on the couch and pull out my phone.

6 New messages from: Edd G.

Edd: Tom?

Edd: TOM!?

Edd: Answer your phone!

Edd: Well, be careful.

Edd: Its been a while, you find tord yet?

Edd: Fine, text me back when you look at your phone again. Night

"Oi" I say under my breath.

I don't want to answer him right now soooooooo. I put my phone back into my pocket. Then I hear tord coming from the hallway. "Hey tom, Edd called me just now and asked if we would like to go camping tomorrow?" Tord asks. "Uhh, sure I will go. He then types something into his phone and then puts his phone in his back pocket. He comes over to me and sits next to me. " I love you tom. He said. I look at him and he is looking down and I hear him, sniff? I he crying?? I grab his chin and turn his head toward me. "I love you too, tordie. Why the sad eyes?" I ask. "Im sorry for not being strong enough to get out before he hurt you." He said. Yeah, when tord was shoved into that RV that dude punched my face and left a mark. He also punched my stomach but, you cant tell. "Tord, its ok. Honestly Id rather be the one being rapped if that meant your not." I say truthfully. "What! No!" Tord says. "Well the important thing is-" I stop in the middle of the sentence and then throw myself on him, hugging him. He giggles while I finish my sentence."-your with me!" I say as I kiss his cheek. "Hehehe, yeah! "Tord says. I look at him and then cuddles him. 

~Time Skip~

Tords P.O.V.

I kind of want to do it with tom. I mean, he looks like the kind of person who would break you... I think while he leaves to go home. He leaves and I go to sleep as I already ate with tom. 

A/N I really didn't try I will admit. 1382 words without the a/n but I will do better next time, promise. As always, goodnight/ good day !

Oh and there will be smut next chapter! You have been warned!

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