!?!?!?!?But do you?!?!?!

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italic- what the character is thinking

Edds P.O.V.


I am walking with Matt to my house since he is the only on who didn't actually have to go get some clothes. I asked him earlier about kindergarten. Its funny because that's when the entire group formed. Matt was transferred between schools in the 3rd week of school. Tom was very shy and got picked on for being so short and always bring this teddy to school, one day he was being bullied real bad by Randy and Jeff, and so he stood up to them and they where very timid after that but then Tord came into the school. And when he did everyone was curious and talked about him behind his back because he had two dads. One day on the playground he was getting beaten up by the school bullies. Randy and Jeff. Tom noticed after hearing them yelling mean things at him and instead of doing what i wanted him to do so he didn't get hurt, he went up to them and got them to stop. They where so close. WHERE. In seventh grade they grew apart for some reason. Well, Tom did from Tord. From what i have seen, Tord has gotten more silent and sad since then. Tom is the one calling him names now but he still hates seeing him get beaten up. In eighth grade Tord was getting beaten up real bad and his arm was being held behind his back (which resulted in his arm being broken for 5 weeks) and Tom stopped it by putting the guy in the hospital, he wasn't found guilty for harming the bully and tord didn't either so they didn't press charges, neither did tord.

"Hey matt, do you know why tom and tord have been acting strange for the past 2 years now?" I asked matt. "Well, i don't know but it may have to do with that bag wefoundin toms book bag?" "well what was in the bag? I wouldn't think it would be anything harmful" Or i hope so "We should ask one of them tonight." Matt suggested "Well, don't ask tom. He may be a little moody since he is the one that is growing apart." I said to make sure matt doesn't do anything tonight that might make them mad.


Tords P.O.V.

I'm walking over to Edds house, but i really fell like someone is watching me. Like, its very weird, but Edds house is right around the corner so i should be fine. I am kind of nervous though. Tom has been mad at me ever since me taking all of that dumb stuff away from him. He did give me a black eye but i don't want him to have that stuff. I hate it, i don't know why i ever thought it would be a good idea for me to have believed that lie. Ever since, he has hated me..... i don't want him to but, i messed up. You mess up. I put in my ear buds not wanting to remember that day. Those words that have stucked with me for all these years. I arrive at his house, tom being a little in the distance across the road. I wave and he just looks down with a mad face. I walk in and am greeted by Matt. "Oh! Hi Ma-" I was cut off by him snatching me up into Edds bedroom. Where Edd was. "Ummm, what was that about??" "Matt, go wait for tom and then keep him out of the room, k?" Edd says to Matt. Matt shakes his head and goes out of the room. " What is this about???" I ask. "Two years ago..." Edd says, my heart stops and i have terror in my eyes. Why would he want to know what happened??? " So, w-what about seventh grade?" i try to ask without seeming to shook. "The bag, what was in it?" Edd, knows!" .... what bag?" i say to act like i don't know what he is talking about. "You know, the one that was in toms book bag" " I don't know what bag you are talking about..." " Well, you have something to do with-"*BANG* "Edd!" Matt explains while the door swings open. "Tom, is mad..." " oi bro I told you to keep him busy." I run out of the room taking it as the only time I will have to get away from this interrogation. I bump into something taller than me and fall to the ground. I look up only to see an angry Tom staring down at me. I blush a little and stand up. "Hey t-tom. sorry" I try to say but he just looked at me annoyed. "Whatever" He walks toward the bathroom and he closes the door. I look over to his bag and I see the same bag he has been carrying everywhere. My heart skips a beat. I run up to it and I put it in my hoddie pocket and I search his entire bag. I go to tell Edd I forgot something at my house and then I ran outside. I go to the dump which was 7 min. walk from Edds house and burn it in the burner. He cant have anymore... I make my way back and then I get snatched to the side of the house by a strong force.When will this stop happening to me?!?! " What did you do with it Tord?!" It was tom, and he looked mad. More mad than before. I back up to the wall trying to get out of arms reach. " I-I-I just d-don't want you t-to have more of I-it!" I say. "That was the last of it all!!!! Tord, I'm going to-" He stopped speaking as I try to get away. He was to mad. He could hurt me bad, and I wont fight back. Not with him. I cant. "Where do you think your going!" He said as he stopped me by the hood of my sweater. I am now tearing up, knowing that I wont walk out with no bruises. "T-tom! Please, l-let me explain!!!" " How will you explain it tord! The last of all of it!" "T-tom! I-I- i....., I don't...want you to........get hurt anymore..." He let go of me and I hug my knees, curling into a ball. "I...I know about all of the abuse, then you have that white stuff I gave you 2 y-years ago...... I'm sorry, t-tom It should h-have been me." He picks me up by the hood of my sweater and stands me up. " Stop it.." He said "W-what?" " STOP SAYING THAT! You know that it wasn't your fault.... it shouldn't have been you. That's why I didn't let you have it. I don't understand why you kept stealing it to have it though!!" He says as he storms off into the house as it starts to rain. "Tom! Wheres tord?  Shouldn't he be back by now?" Edd said "He out there" Edd comes running up to me and takes my hand. I snatch it away and wipe my eyes." You ok?" "y-yeah..." I go inside with Edd and we go into his room. "Dinner is in 1 hour!" Edds mom yells. "Alright mom! Thanks!" He yells back and we all sit around the room. "So, lets play truth or dare!" Edd yells-

A/N- I am soooooo bored, so I guess I will be working on the next chapter right after this one is published! Also my thing has glitched :( when I click in the middle of a word to fix a miss grammar and I type it deletes the one ahead of the last letter.

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