Coming out?

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Tords P.O.V.

So we all went to the trampoline to start jumping. I fell a little dizzy. Almost like i did something wrong with my head and the effect is me in a coma. once we all got on i sat down not really wanting to, as now i fell a little queasy. Edd suggested they all play popcorn and so they did rock paper siccors to find out who would be the cornel in the middle. Edd got it so he laid down and curled up in a ball. They all started jumping and i gripped to the edge so i wouldn't fall over. After like 7 min. of them trying to pop him i felt some liquid substance fall run down my face. I let go and fell my chin. The substance was sorta, thick? I look at my hand and its blood. I try to stand but its really dizzy. I fall off of the trampoline do to them still jumping. "Aaaaaah!" I yelled while i fell and hit the ground. "Tord! You ok?" Edd asks as he stands up. I stand up and i hold my nose as i am trying to make no blood come out. "N-Nothing im fine." I say trying to reassure them but then Matt asked me about my nose. "I-its nothing! Just a runny nose." i exclaim. "Just a runny nose? Then why is there blood??" Tom says. "U-uh, what blood?" I say hoping he thinks he just miss saw even though that there is a lot of blood. "Miss saw? Really, what happened?" Tom asks "Nothing, just, well i don't know..." I say. Edd jumps off and walks up to me. "Lets go get that cleaned up." Edd said as he grabs my arm and drags me with him. He brought me to the bathroom and made me wash up with water. 

We finished and went to the living room to eat. We where handed two pieces of home-made pizza. Once we got to the dining room edd sat down. Matt rushed to get the seat next to edd. I sat down, two seats from them and then tom sat in the middle of me and matt. I start eating, denying the fact that i zoomed out, thinking about tom. I mean what o you want me to think!?! He litterly held my hand, he hugged me. He even said he wanted to be my friend again. Only there's one thing. Nobody knows my sexuality. I'm gay, and like tom. 

I snap back into real life because tom was tapping on my shoulder. "Psst, tord. You ok, you have been acting like your going to throw up for a while now..." "Well, i-i don't know, tom. Im dizzy, like very." I say hoping i don't worry him to much. "Well... are you hungry?" I guess he asked me that because i haven't been eating. "N-no...." i say. "Hey Edd. is it ok if me and tord go back to your room while you guys eat, we arnt hungry." Tom asks Edd. He nods yeah then gives matt a little smirk. I blush a little not expecting that, but i can do this without screwing up. Me and tom get up and we go to his room. We walk into the room and he takes my hand and leads me to the bed. ( I know all you sinners are hoping that this goes pervertedly -.-) He sits me down and then he put a hand on my forehead, seeing if a have a temperature. He shakes his head no then look down at me.  He sits down next to me on the floor while im still on the bed. I slide down to be next to him. We both just look out the window, and say nothing.

"Tord? what do you do once you get home.... you know, whilst your dads are in the army..." I look at him surprised that he brought that up. He is the only one i told. "Do you just stay by yourself?" He asks, seeing that im getting sorta sad, i miss my parents. there funny and caring. "Well, on school days i go home and do my homework, take care of high jean then make some food. then go to sleep." That was a lie, i go home and do that stuff but while i do, i think of my parents and tom, mostly tom. I don't go straight to sleep, i lay awake thinking about him.  "What if you don't have school that day?" He asks "W-well... i stay at the house and read different books, watch books, text my dads, sometimes i call them and then just relax and then at night i go to ground park, the one that no one goes to. I lay up at the hill, the highest one, and just star gaze." He looks at me, like he feels sorry for me because im always so lonely. Its starting of summer and so, i kinda look forward to star gazing more. He looks down at my hand then looks up. He opens his mouth to speak but the my phone goes off. Its a message, from Paul, my dad.

What Happened? {A TomTord FanFic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum