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'' Hani, wake up, its already evening, we have to prepare for the event tonight, '' I open my eyes slowly to see Xuanyi right before my eyes. I seat myself on my bed and reach out my phone to see that its already 6 pm. The event will start in two hours. I should get up and take a shower. I grab my towel which is just next to me and was about to head to the toilet when I take a glance on the thin book.


That is the only word that catches my eyes before I head out to the toilet.


Xuanyi and I get out of our room on 7.30 pm. Since she's one of the students representative council, she needs to get out early to prepare for the event and I decide to follow her, mostly because I don't want to be alone going to the main hall but yeah I am still left alone in the seats of the main hall. There aren't many students yet but by 7.50 pm, a lot of students or should I call freshmen start to fill in the main hall. A lot of seats have been occupied but the seats next to me are still empty.

I look around and see everyone has a partner to chat with while Im still alone in my seat. I bit my lip and pray that someone will come and seat next to me. I don't like being alone. I grab my phone from my pocket and its already 7.58 pm. Two minutes before the event start.

'' Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?''

I turn my head to the right side and spot a beautiful Chinese girl asking me while pointing to an empty seat next to me. '' No,'' I quickly answer. '' May I seat here?'' She asks again. I nod my head. '' Sure!''

She then sits next to me. '' Im Chou Tzuyu, call me Tzuyu.'' She reaches out her hand and throw a broad smile to me.

'' Im Hani!''

We chat for a while before the event start and she really is a pretty girl. Oh my god, why are these Chinese so good looking? I just know that Tzuyu is taking fine arts too, just like me and most of our elective subjects are the same . Im glad that I manage to make friend tonight plus her room is just next to my room. Well, it seems like my stay here is quite pleasant.

'' Ehem ehem.'' The sound of someone on the microphone up on the stage is echoing throughout the main hall.

'' This must be the dean,'' Tzuyu whispers to me. Exactly, the middle-aged man who is giving a welcoming speech is the dean of this university, Dong Xiao You.

He has been giving out his speech more than 30 minutes now. Oh my God, I hate listening to speech a lot. Even Tzuyu is complaining next to me. I chuckle sometimes whenever she complains about the speech. I gotta admit she has a good sense of humor.

'' Alright students, now I would like to introduce the students representative council of Beijing University.''

I sit back straight when I heard the word students representative council. Since Xuanyi handed the book just now, Ive been eager to see them with my own eyes. '' I saw that most of them are good looking,'' Tzuyu whispers to me. '' How did you know?'' I ask her back. '' I saw their faces in the guide book, you haven't seen the book?''

I quickly remember the guide book that Xuanyi handed to me. '' Ahh, I did get the book, just that I haven't seen their faces.'' I reply half-lying. I did see but not everyone's faces,just that Zhu something. Well, I don't remember his name though but I kinda remember his face because he stood out the most among the rest students representative council.

The students representative council then show out from the backstage one by one. It starts with Zhou Yanchen, Zheng Ruibin, Wu Xuanyi, Zhou Jieqiong, Yu Mingjun, Lin Yanjun, Cheng Xiao, Pan Junya, You Zhangjing, Victoria Song, Meng Mei Qi and Bi Wenjun.

I admit that everyone is just so good looking those Chinese. I counted them all there's 11 of them. Isn't it supposed to be 12 just like Mr. Dong mentioned earlier?

'' I thought it's supposed to be 12 members?'' I asked Tzuyu.

Just like me, Tzuyu's eyes are searching for the other member. '' Oh there he is, '' She pointed to the left side of the stage.

A guy who is wearing a white shirt tucked into his dark blue pants walk to the stage with one of his hands in his pocket. He looks so so...beautiful?

He has this sharp glance but that doesn't look like he's mean. His body proportion is just perfect and so does his face. Although there's no smile on his face like the rest members of students representative council, he still looks perfect in everything. His move, his hair, his beautiful face, his body, his gaze and even his way of walking. All of a sudden, I feel that the time has stopped and everything starts to be in slow-motion. I wonder am I even breathing at this moment?

Im....mesmerized to his beauty. Its like Im watching an angel. I place my hands on my chest. My heart beats so fast.

'' Last but not least, the president of students representative council of Beijing University, Zhu Zhengting,'' Mr. Dong introduces him to us.

Tzuyu whispers to me, '' Hey Hani, why you seem to daze off?''

I startle a bit and quickly response. '' Urmm.no? '' Tzuyu smirks, '' Eiii, you look like you're gonna pass out when he appeared just now, ''

I bit my lip. '' Well..Im..urm..a bit sleepy..'' half-lying again.

I'll remember that name.

Zhu Zhengting.

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