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All the freshmen are asked to gather at the big field by 4 pm. We're informed that we'll have a friendly handball match among our groups. '' Aww Hani, you look cute in pink! '' Tzuyu who just arrives looks so amused with my outfit.

I roll my eyes. '' Its not! Lawrence that brat! I ask him to buy me a white sports attire! But he bought me this pink sports attire! I mean look at me! I look like a clown! ''

My sports attire is pink from head to toe, even my sports shoe is in pink! It's not that I hate pink, in fact a lot of my personal belongings are in pink but to wear a full sports attire in pink are just too much! I even notice a lot of eyes are on me,they must thought Im a freak! Lawrence, you're a dead meat when Im back I swear on my potato chips!

Tzuyu is still giggling while looking at me when we heard the announcement for us to be in our groups. Tzuyu bids goodbye to me before walking towards her group while I walk to my group members who are smiling sheepishly while looking at my attire especially Justin. His jaw looks like it'll drop anytime soon. Damn.

'' Hani, we're playing handball, we're not going for a circus show! '' He exclaims as soon as I stand next to him. '' Shut up Justin or I'll send you to circus for real,'' I reply without looking at him. This is so embarrassing! '' Just send him to feed those lions! '' Quanzhe interrupts while the others are giggling at our bickering.

'' Guys, let's decide who'll play first and we'll rotate the players,'' Zhengting comes and informs us. So we'll battle against random groups. Our first match is against Mei Qi's group. The first players are Li Xikan, Fan Chengcheng, Lu Dinghao, Ling Chao and Qian Zhenghao.

'' Jiayou jiayouu!! '' Justin is cheering for our team members by the field while holding up a handmade banner. Dinghao who has been watching him is laughing his ass of at Justin. Justin is a troublesome I swear! He forced me to help him paint the banner before the match starts. And the banner said,


Im so embarrassed to know him. Even Zhengting looks so flustered with him but yeah being an outgoing leader, he ruffles Justin's hair while screaming to his ears, '' I'd rather have the lions at the circus as my team mates than you! ''

'' Ahhh!! '' Justin shakes his head and continues waving the banner. The first match comes to an end after a few minutes with our group as the winner. We take a break and the other groups take turn to play the game.

Our next match is against Ruibin's group and once again we manage to become the winner.Next is against Mingjun's group and we win again!

Now is the finale.'' We'll be competing against Wenjun's group! '' I say as we look at the score board. '' Ok let's decide the players now! '' Zhengting replies. '' I want to play for the final round!'' Justin raises his hand. '' Are you sure you're not exhausted? You just played against Mingjun's group just now,'' I ask him feeling concerned. '' Nah! Im still good! ''

'' Ok so Justin will be playing, who's next? ''

We finally decide the final line up for our group. The one will be playing are Justin, Zhengting, Dinghao, Quanzhe, Xikan, Chengcheng and me. This is my second match after the match with Ruibin's group. Im quite confident with myself since I represented my school in handball match back when I was in London.

As for Wenjun's group, Wenjun himself will be playing along with some of his team mates who I don't really know but Tzuyu isn't playing since she just played for the previous round. I guess she's still exhausted.

The game is finally starting. It really is a tight match since both of the teams haven't scored although 4 minutes has passed. I try to score a goal but dangg their goalkeeper manages to catch my throw. A few minutes more passed and the first round ends with a tie. The second round starts now. We're so determined to end the game with one score since its almost dark and everyone is so exhausted including the other freshmen who act as the spectators.

As we're playing, I lay my eyes on Wenjun, his tall figure keeps blocking me from scoring a goal. I need to come up with a strategy to pass him. Aha! I know it!

I run to the front and catch the ball from Chengcheng,as expected the attacker,Wenjun,runs to me and try to block me from going nearer to their goal. I decide to carry the ball low instead of holding it high. After a few tricks I get to pass him and I was about to score a goal when suddenly I feel my left leg is slipped between someone's legs and


We both fell down and I can feel that the collision is pretty bad since my head is spinning terribly that I keep my eyes shut even when I heard a lot of voices were screaming for my name. It took me a few seconds to realize that my body is quite heavy. I feel like there's something on my body that I can't even move a bit. I open my eyes to see Zhengting's on top of me with his face just a few cm away from mine and we are staring into each other's eyes now without even blinking.

And I feel that everything stops for a moment.

Its just me and you....

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