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Our eyes met and it sends shiver down my spine. Hani, this is not right!! I take away my hand from his as slow as possible and rest my hand on my lap. Im praying hard so that time could fly fast and I can escape from this awkwardness. Heaven sure listen to my prayer, we reach at our destination few minutes later.

Ruibin and Cheng Xiao will go to somewhere else for their survey project so does Zhengting and Xuanyi, leaving Wenjun and me in a musical instruments shop while Zhangjing goes to shop for his snacks. Wenjun is having a talk with the manager about the musical instruments that he have to order for our music club. I don't really know anything so I just walk around in the shop, stunned by the varieties of musical instruments, from classic to modern.

I am at the back of the shop when I saw there's staircase leading to the second floor of this shop. I look at Wenjun, he's still busy, so I decide to go to the second floor alone. As soon as I arrive, I am amazed since it is actually a karaoke room. I walk closer and they have a bunch of CD's consisted a lot of songs, from Western to Chinese and there's even Kpop songs.

'' You wanna sing? ''

I startled by the sudden voice. I turn around to see Wenjun. I quickly shake my head. '' No! My voice sounds like a broken old CD. ''

He steps closer, '' But that doesn't mean you can't sing, ''

'' Singing is not my thing, I swear, ''

He chuckles, '' Let's prove it first, '' With that he grabs two microphones and hands one to me, I am hesitate to take it but he made me hold the microphone. I roll my eyes, feeling defeated. Oh my lord, I can't sing. Im sure I'll embarrass myself in front of him.

'' You're gonna regret this a lot Wenjun, '' I say.

He smiles sweetly, '' Im ready, '' He then play the minus one CD of What I Miss by Stefanie Sun. He stands next to me and we're now in front of the TV. He sings the first verse.

I asked why that person sent me a text message,

And why did you not explain and bow your head in silence

I should believe you love me a lot,

Not willing to brush me aside

Still understand that you don't want to salvage anything

I lick my bottom lips nervously as Wenjun's voice is so stunning! Its like a voice from Heaven. And the way he lays his gaze on me made me realize that Wenjun is attractive too. His eyes are shining brightly when he sings.

Its already the chorus part, seems like my turn to sing.

What I miss is talking about everything

What I miss is the times we dreamed together

What I miss is even after fighting with you that impulse to still loving you

I remember that birthday that year

And remember that one song

I remember that starry night

The tightest hold of your right hand

The warmest chest who remembers

Holy shit. I sound worse than a broken CD. I look to my side when I see Wenjun is laughing his ass off on the floor.


I squat next to him and hit him hard with the microphone, '' I told you I can't sing! Don't laugh! ''

He wipes away his fake tears and holds my hand before leaning closer, '' Its okay, you're still adorable, Hani, ''

You're still adorable, Hani

That sentence lingers on my mind, for a long time.

All of us meet again in a restaurant and have a dinner to fill in our stomach since its already 7 pm and we're all hungry especially Zhangjing who keeps whining for food. The food arrive a few moments later and we are immersed into the food that we barely talk during the dinner.

'' Im still hungry, '' Zhangjing whines while finishing his last slurp of the noodles.

'' Zhangjing, you can take mine, '' I give him the remaining of my food since I can't finish it. His face lights up when I offer him the food. '' Oh my god! Thank you Hani! I love you! '' He winks while Cheng Xiao makes a face that she's gonna throw up anytime soon.

'' I pray that You Zhangjing's belly will pop out right after he finishes his food! '' Cheng Xiao says. Zhangjing almost choked on his noodle and Xuanyi quickly hand a drink to him.

'' I pray that Cheng Xiao won't meet a man and end up as a lonely potato! '' Zhangjing attacks her back. All of us are laughing at their bickering except for one person.

Zhengting. He is silence throughout the dinner, seems like he's in his own world. It hurts to see him like that. Zhengting is changing way too much lately.

'' Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom, ''

Zhengting excuses himself and all of our eyes are laid on him. Wenjun suddenly speak out, '' What's wrong with Zhengting? He's changing a lot, ''

Ruibin nods, '' He didn't even join most of our meeting lately, ''

'' Yeah, that is so not Zhengting, the abusive president, '' Zhangjing adds. I secretly look at Xuanyi, she looks clueless too. '' Well, I'll go and talk to him, '' Xuanyi said. We're in the midst of talking when I suddenly feel my stomach is acting up. I need the restroom now! I excuse myself and do what I should do in the restroom.

I have to pass by the hallway from the restroom back to our place and when I was about to go back, I spot two familiar figures in the hallway. Its Zhengting and Xuanyi. I dont mean to hear to their conversation but my position lets me do so and I have no choice.

'' Are you alright, Zhengting? '' That voice surely is Xuanyi.

'' Yeah, Im alright, ''

'' You're drifting apart from all of us and you call that alright? ''

'' No I just have some deal with some matter, ''

'' You have us, Zhengting, just share with us and Im here for you. ''

'' Thanks, Xuanyi, I do appreciate it, ''

'' Zhengting... I... I love you so much. It hurts to see you like this, ''

My heart stops beating for a moment. I stick out my head nervously as Im curious to his reaction. And guess what right after Xuanyi said it loud, Zhengting leans closer and kisses her forehead. I beat my chest hard as Im trembling so much. Zhengting, how could you? My eyes got teary and I can't resist it from flowing on my cheek.

I turn away and I was wrapped into a hug.

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