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The closing ceremony hasn't ended yet but here I am, running from the main hall to the waterfall. I swear If I were to enter a marathon, I'll definitely win. I've settled on my feelings, its the time to pour everything out. Im in love with Zhu Zhengting.

I curve a smile as soon as I reach by the waterfall. There's Zhengting over there sitting under the moonlight. He's like a carved by God. A definition of perfection. I hold my breath before walking as slow as possible.

'' Zhengting! ''

I was about to call out his name when I heard someone calling his name way before me. I quickly hide behind a big rock in front of me. I push myself down and take a peek. I see a familiar figure running to Zhengting cheerfully. I widen my eyes to take a look at the figure.

Its Xuanyi.

She's running to him and gives him a back hug. Zhengting laughs and turn to return her hug. I feel my heart scattered into pieces. Are they a thing? My eyes get teary and my heart aches. I feel tears on my cheek.

I get up and leave the place without turning back.


The main hall is now empty and dark since the closing ceremony has ended a few hours ago. I decide to sit here alone for a while.


I heard the door being opened. I turn my head to see Wenjun's walking into the hall. ' What is he doing here? ' I mutter to myself. He hasn't noticed me since the hall is dark and he didn't even bother to turn on the lights. He goes up to the stage and seems to pick up something before going down.

Since Im crying too much, my nose gets itchy and I kinda feel the need to sneeze now. Oh my god no! Don't sneeze! Don't sneeze! Wenjun will notice me!

'' Aaaaacchuuuuuummmmm! ''

Shit. I sneezed. I feel nervous. At this rate, he may notice my presence. I look up just to see he's right in front of me while turning on a flashlight from his phone. I look away, pretending that I don't see him. '' Hani? ''

I remain silence. Upon seeing no response from me, he sits next to me and leans against the wall just like I did. '' Why are you still here? Its past midnight, '' He asks softly. I look down before replying, '' I..I just can't sleep, '' Damn, I legit sound like someone who's just sobbing. My voice wavers and sounds hoarse.

'' Hani? Were you crying? '' He then shift his position and sits in front of me. He turns off the flashlight and the hall is dark indeed now. As soon as he places his hand on my head, I start sobbing. Why am I a fool?

Wenjun doesn't say anything and he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my hands around his waist while he keeps patting my back. It feels cozy to be in his hug. We stay like this for a while.


Days turn into months and Im completely immersed into assignments and exams for this first semester before we'll have our one month holiday. And now exams have ended and we'll be going for holidays. Since its just a month, I don't plan on going back to London, instead I'll spend my holidays with Tzuyu, Cess, Justin, Chengcheng, Dinghao, Quanzhe, Xikan and Ling Chao. We've planned on going for a number of field trips.

'' Guys, I don't think I can join you guys for the field trips, '' Tzuyu voices out when all of us are hanging out at the park. Dinghao quickly asks, '' Noooooo, why? ''

'' Yeah, of course she won't join us. She has another plan with her precious boyfriend! '' Chengcheng answers before Tzuyu gets to do so and honestly, Chengcheng seems like he's mocking Tzuyu.

'' Boyfriend?! '' Justin and Quanzhe seems shocked. '' Who?! ''

'' Cai Xukun, that basketball guy who thinks that he's so cool. What a player! '' Chengcheng interrupts once again. Tzuyu seems like she's gonna burst with anger anytime soon. '' Hey Fan Chengcheng, don't you dare call him a player, you don't even know him! Don't be so nosy! Go and find yourself a girl! ''

'' You know what, I speak based on truth! '' Chengcheng shrugs. I roll my eyes, can't handle with these two immature kids. '' Why are guys always bickering? ''

Justin continues, '' My grandma always said that if a man and a woman bickers a lot, they'll end up being a couple, that's what happened to my grandparents,'' He says while looking at Chengcheng and back to Tzuyu while smiling sheepishly.

Upon hearing Justin's words, both Tzuyu and Chengcheng look like they're gonna throw up. '' Ewww! No way!'' Both of them said in uniform.

'' Never in a million years will I date Fan Chengcheng! '' Tzuyu gets up and exclaims.

'' Im willing to date Justin and be a gay rather than going out with Chou Tzuyu! '' Chengcheng gets up and confronts her. The rest of us are just laughing off to their childish actions.

Justin speaks up, '' Chengcheng, date me pweeseeeeee! ''

I head out to the library to return some books before going to the bus terminal to spend some nights at Quanzhe's along with Cess. We'll be going for a three days two nights nature camp the day after tomorrow. Quanzhe and Cess seem to get along so well these days and I bet Quanzhe will be hurt since he's so close to her. I can only hope that everything's gonna be alright.

I showed my student card to the librarian and was asked to return the books in the bookshelves. As Im placing the books on the shelves, someone bumps into me, causing the books from my hands to fall down. Since Im a bit rushing, I don't bother to look at him/her, instead I quickly pick up the books.

'' Sorry, ''

I stop from picking up the books. This male voice sounds familiar. My heart beats so fast all of a sudden. I don't dare to look up so I just pick up my books again with the help of him. He hands the books to me.

I turn away to place the books. I look at the shelves. Damn, its so high! I won't be able to put these books again.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grab the books from my hands and gently put them back on the shelves which are just on top of my head. His warm body touches mine.

I close my eyes, this feels so familiar.....How I wish time could stop....

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