Three- Meeting with the Principal

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The only source of light in the rectangular room was a lamp floating around the desk at the far end. 'Welcome to the Sparks Academy of Magic, please come towards my desk' A kindly voice called out from the desk. As Ziara's midnight blue eyes adjusted to the dark room, she noticed lines of scrollbooks on the walls, all lined up neatly and alphabetically. Ziara nervously walked down the carpet in the middle of the room.

She finally reached the desk after what felt like months, out of the blue, a shrill squeak sounded next to Ziara. Startled, she glanced around her nervously. What could have made that sound? Surely not the principal, she thought. The squeak sounded again, she swung her head around and caught a faint outline of a scrollbook in a glass case. The scrollbook seemed to be vibrating. It squeaked again, jumping, Ziara jumped at the same time.

'Oh, don't mind Piper, I found him at the ruins of Atlantis, squeaking his head off... Well, he doesn't actually have a head, so you can say he squeaked his cover off. Hahahahaha...' Principal Starfire laughed at her own lame joke.

'Hahaha...' Ziara laughed politely, not wanting to offend her new principal.

'Well, enough of that,' Principal Starfire clapped her hands twice and the room lit up with a thousand blazing, golden candles flying through the air, a group of them were even doing acrobatics, flipping and somersaulting through the air. Ziara was amazed, she had never seen anything like it, although there were a lot of magic users in her distant village, none of them could do large amounts of magic, unlike her. She tore herself away from the breath-taking sight, and looked at her Principal. For the first time, Ziara was able to see her face clearly, there had never been a picture of Principal Starfire in any of the news scrolls or mega-scrolls, she was literally the most mysterious person on the planet. Unlike what Ziara had imagined (an old lady with greying hair and a stern, wrinkly face), Principal Starfire turned out to be a beautiful woman with a kindly face. She had long, fiery, golden hair, gold eyes and a pink rosebud mouth.

'Welcome to SAM, Ziara Rowan.' Principal Starfire said, serious once again, ' I have been watching you since you got your powers. You have proved to be amazing at magic, and I hope I didn't make a mistake inviting you here.'

'I won't let you down!' Ziara answered. (Author's note: Wow, that was so cheesy.)

'You can leave now, classes will start after around twenty minutes, they always start late on the first day.'

'Bye!' Ziara slipped out of the door, as it slid close, the lights in the room darkened, leaving only the single lamp floating around Principal Starfire's desk.

'Well, I guess that went well,' remarked a snarky voice belonging to Jennifer. She was leaning on the wall outside the door, 'Come on, I'll get you back to our room, so you can prepare.' She turned and sashayed away, her chocolate brown hair swinging. Ziara took a deep breath and followed Jennifer down the corridor.

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