Six- First Class

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As Ziara scuttled to Magic Training with her friend Diana by her side, she looked at her timetable, it said:

As Ziara scuttled to Magic Training with her friend Diana by her side, she looked at her timetable, it said:

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When she raised her head, she saw eyes staring at her and her wand. Embarrassed, she stuck her wand into her carry-on bag. The eyes continued staring at her, students clustered into small groups started whispering about how she had got the wand in the famed prophecy. Word sure had travelled fast, and there was no doubt that it was helped along by one of Ziara's classmates in homeroom, the gossipy Fabula. Ziara saw her darting from group too group of students, spreading word of Ziara and her wand.

'Come on!' urged Diana, 'Just ignore them, they love to gossip, especially if that annoying Fabula is around.' She suddenly stopped and entered an open door next to the stadium. The classroom was already full of students trying to grab good seats for this popular class.

Ziara noticed the boy she bumped into in the hallway saunter into the classroom, he took a seat in the middle and the other seats around his were suddenly the golden seats on Earth, squealing girls and awed boys all fighting for them.

Grinning, Diana slipped into one of the best seats in the front row, right in front of the teacher's podium, now that they weren't being fought over anymore. She motioned for Ziara to sit next to her, Ziara mumbled, 'Thanks.'

'Ahem,' a cold voice rang out from the front of the classroom, all the students freezed, staring at the slim, tall figure that glided into the classroom silently just a minute ago, without anyone noticing. 'Ms. Oaks and Ms. Satis, step away from each other. You will stop fighting over that ridiculous seat next to Mr. Solaris...'

'Solaris is Markus' last name, and Felicity Oaks and Dorothea Satis are always fighting.' whispered Diana to Ziara, seeing her puzzled face.

'... You two shall go to detention tonight for misbehaving in class. Ms. Oaks, you will sit here in the first row,' pointing to the empty seat next to Diana, 'And Ms. Satis, you will sit next to Ms. Pallas here. Mr. Felixis, you may sit in the seat these two were fighting over just now.' The lucky boy stumbled over to his new seat next to Markus, while the scowling girls slipped into their assigned seats.

'Now, we shall finally begin today's lesson. I am Ms. Circe, and I will not tolerate any forgetfulness, laziness or lateness in my class, or it is detention for you. I see some new faces in my class this term, new students, please stand up and introduce yourselves.'

Five students stood up, including Ziara, and one by one, they shyly said their names. Crystal and Krystle Clover were the twins with identical platinum blonde hair that was curled up at the ends, Charlotte Barley was the girl with the gold-brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, Eunice Mo was the shy girl who had white, spiky hair for some reason, and multi-coloured eyes, Ziara Rowan was, well, you already know Ziara, so I won't tell you again.

The lesson quickly proceeded with all the girls being taught how to hold and wave their wands properly. However, all the students stared at Ziara intensely throughout the lesson, giving her so much pressure she kept dropping her wand. Finally, Ms. Circe asked everyone why they were staring at the new student. Fabula Fabulosa quickly told the exasperated teacher about the prophesied wand and how Ziara got the wand.

'Students, there is no such prophesied wand, since it is the only ancient wand left, rumours sprang up around it. There is also a rumour that whoever got it, he or she will turn into a talking grape, and we can see that that isn't true. The wand is only powerful if the user herself, or himself is powerful, the wand is merely a tool, and it does not define the user. Now, get back to your exercises.' But far from silencing the students, the whispering only grew louder.

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