Seven- The Tomato Incident

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Ziara went on to Greek with Ms. Lingui and Math with Mr. Genus and Diana was always next to her. All the other students whispered even more, sending her scornful glances.

'Do you think they all already know that the prophecy is fake?' Ziara asked Diana, gripping her bag tighter.

Diana snorted, 'Of course, that gossipy Fabula ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rung after Magic Training. Fabula Parker is the most annoying person in Greece! Wait, make that the Earth. Let's go to the cafeteria for lunch.' Diana led the way to the huge cafeteria that Ziara had seen on her tour of the school with Jennifer.

The room was humongous, with carved pillars supporting the domed glass roof, letting in the blazing afternoon sunlight. They quickly found an empty table hidden in a cozy crevice away from the glaring eyes of the students. Food was immediately served as soon as they sat down, plates of steaming food suddenly appeared in front of the girls.

Ziara was so surprised as it was her first lunch at SAM, she accidentally knocked her whole plate of pasta onto the floor. 'BANG! SPLAT! SHATTER!' The whole hall of students turned their heads to stare at her. Ziara's cheeks turned as red as an apple, she fumbled with her wand, trying to perform the disappearing spell she learnt in MT(Magic Training). All the students started laughing and guffawing and snorting.

Ziara got even more flustered, her spell hitting her chair instead, the pasta didn't vanish, rather, the chair turned into a huge floating tomato, hurtling towards the floor a few seconds later, smashing and splashing everything and everyone with tomato. Everyone panicked, especially Jennifer, who got tomato all over her new, perfectly made uniform and her designer high heels. She squealed like a piglet, trying to brush the food off her ruined uniform.

Ziara flushed even redder then the tomato juice all over her. She rushed out of the crimson-coloured cafeteria, up the stairs, and into her dorm room, eyes staring at her from all sides. Ziara quickly changed into another dress, fresh from the laundry, throwing her tomato covered one onto the floor.

Suddenly, Jennifer stalked into the room, ignoring Ziara, who was sitting on her silver-colored quilt covering her comfy school bed.

'Gross!' Jennifer suddenly squealed, Ziara raised her head to see Jennifer sitting in front of her vanity table, combing the tomato bits out of her platinum-blonde hair. She had changed into a new dress and her discarded one lying on the floor on top of Ziara's.

'Well, you really aren't that good at spells, are you? All that time you had us thinking you would be the new top sorceress, my competition.' Jennifer spun around on her mini vanity chair, staring at Ziara with spiteful blue eyes.

Ziara opened her mouth to snap back at Jennifer, but nothing came out. Just then, the bell rang, and Ziara quickly said, 'I'll see you in fighting class then,' looking at her timetable. She quickly stalked out of the dorm room, only to see a humongous crowd of students crowded outside, some still covered in tomato juice. They were all goggling at her and muttering among themselves. Ziara shoved past the crowd and saw Diana trying to see through the crowd, looking for her. Ziara pulled Diana away from the group and towards fighting class with Ms. Gladio.

Even after fighting class and Latin class, people still wouldn't stop talking about the tomato incident.

 Then, Jennifer came up to Diana and Ziara, 'I wonder if you would still be here after Ms. Starfire is done with you. Imagine the headline of the school newspaper, new student expelled only after half a day at SAM! That must be a new record!' she spat. Jennifer then handed Ziara a tightly rolled scroll bound with a golden burst of magic and sashayed away. Ziara opened it and turned pale. Diana took it and read it out,

'Ziara Rowan,

Please report to my office at three forty to discuss the happenings of the exploding tomato in the cafeteria during lunch. I have informed the magi-scouts and dueling class audition teachers that your audition will be put off until tomorrow.

Yours magically,

Ms. Calypso Starfire


This can't be happening, it wasn't technically your fault!' exclaimed Diana.

'It's okay, I'll just go and meet my fate,' and with that Ziara headed towards Ms. Starfire's office.

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