Chapter 16 - The Unexpected Company

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(A/N: UGGGGGGGHHHHHH why won't wattpad let me tag people???? Saturncass530 (pretend that's a tag

what colour do yo think this story belongs to????)

Humming, Ziara strolled along the streets of the nearby town with Diana. It was Sunday, and students were allowed to go down to town for FREE TIME!!!!!!

The bustling town was filled with cafés, stores, libraries, everything! This was the first time Ziara had ever been to a town that was not within a 1-mile radius of her village, and certainly not one as big as this.

Diana dragged her towards a café with a line that curled around the block, 'This is the best café in the entire country!!! You have to try it!' Standing in line and bouncing on her feet, excited to show Ziara all the best things the town has to offer.

'Theez way pleaze, ladeez,' the waiter with a drawl motioned for them to sit at a nice table next to the window. Zi and Diana sat down and hungrily scanned the menus.

They ordered, and soon plates of steaming soup and delicious-smelling sandwiches were served.

They dug in ravenously, stuffing themsleves with scones and whipped cream.

Just when the girls were having fun and joking around, a certain someone slid into the just-vacated table right next to then.

'Why hello, it's such a coincidence to meet you two here,' the smooth musical voice of Markus Solaris reached their ears, 'such a coincedence,' he mused.

Diana promptly ignored the intruding boy; Ziara promptly blushed and looked down at her half-eaten plate of sandwiches. And looked horrified at her own blushing.

Smirking and satisfied at the response, the blonde boy took that as a cue to start making Ziara very uncomfortable with awkward questions and terrible jokes.

As Ziara tried to ignore the unwelcome attention and failed to miserably, Diana came to her rescue.

'Owwwwwwwwwwwww,' Markus yelped, 'what did you do that for, Silverstorm?' And recieved an icy look and a second whack on the head, a very hard whack as the sound rang in the bustling cafe.

Ziara was then dragged out of the cafe by the very violent girl.

'That boy is a stupid, narcissistic, idiotic waste of space,' Diana fumed, her hand an iron manacle around Ziara's sore wrist.

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