Eight- In Trouble (Or Maybe Not)

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Ziara walked to Principal Starfire's office nervously, hoping and hoping with all her heart that she wouldn't be expelled. How disappointed her parents would be when she came back only after one day, how the children in her village would laugh.

'Ah, here you are, you're two minutes late, Ziara, go on in, the Principal's waiting.' Ms. Sparkles, the receptionist, shooed her through the golden doors, and into the office.

This time, the room was fully lit, with lamps and candles floating in groups around the spacious office. Principal Starfire sat in her seat, staring intently at her squeaking book, Piper. But, Piper wasn't squeaking this time, he was emitting a bustling sound, like lots of people talking at once, suddenly the book squeaked loudly and flapped its pages, alerting Principal Starfire to Ziara's presence.

'Good afternoon, Ms. Rowan, I was just reviewing what happened in the cafeteria today, Piper can see everything that happens all around the world, past and present. Now, do you know why I wanted to see you?'

'Yes, Principal Starfire.'

'You do realize that no magic is allowed outside classrooms or the courtyard?'

'Yes, Principal Starfire.'

'And do you know that you gave the cleaning sorcerers a hard job cleaning up your mess of tomato bits?'

'Yes, Principal Starfire, I am really sorry, please forgive me, I won't do it again. The plates of food appeared in front of me and startled me, and I accidentally knocked the plate off the table, and I just wanted to clean it up, but I got flustered and I hit the chair and the spell came out wrong, and it turned into a tomato-' Ziara hurriedly tried to explain.

'That's enough, Ms. Rowan.' Principal Starfire interrupted, 'You are not being punished this time, since you are new, but if it happens again, you will be severely punished. Also, please read the school rules.' She waved her hand, and a thick scroll appeared in Ziara's hands.

'Sure thing, Principal.' Ziara replied cheerfully, happy that she wasn't going to be punished.

After a small chat about how classes were going with the Principal, Principal Starfire had allowed Ziara to go. Ziara rushed back to her dorm room, and found Diana waiting for her on her bed.

'Did it go okay?' Diana asked anxiously.

'It's fine! I won't be punished!' Ziara exclaimed. Diana and Ziara excitedly chatted for the rest of the free period. The bell rang at six thirty for supper, the pair went down to the cafeteria still talking about different things.

During supper, the other students continued to stare and whisper curiously about Ziara. Embarrassed, Ziara shrank back in her seat and tried to hide. She gobbled up her meal hungrily, since she missed lunch.

Suddenly, the girl with white spiky hair appeared next to them, saying, 'Hi, I'm Eunice Mo, but people usually just call me Mo. Can I sit with you guys? All the other tables are full.'

'Sure!' Diana said, soon all three girls were chattering away about the best magic spells, school teachers and tactics to get rid of pesky boys.

After supper, all three girls returned to their dorms for free time, Ziara wanted to continue decorating her room. She only had time to cover her bed with her bedspread.

So, Ziara spent the rest of the night folding up her clothes and putting them in her closet, putting her supplies in her drawers, hanging up posters and curtains from home. She also visited the school supplies store and got some extra papyrus for her doodles and drawings.

Before she knew it, Jennifer was back in the room, and it was time for sleep. Ziara snuggled up in her blankets and fell asleep, dreaming of all the things she'll do in this school year. 

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