Chapter 18 - Sigh

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Ziara went on with her usual school life, classes, lunch, more classes, training...

She found herself looking for Markus everywhere, in the corridors, in class, during lunch.

She hated to admit it, but maybe she did have a teensy weensy crush on him. Even the way he eats looks perfect, his laugh... Ziara let out a little sigh. 

She was jolted out of her daydreaming by a nudge to the shoulder.
'Staring again,' Diana singsonged, the rest of the table chuckled.
Ziara's face turned scarlet, she looked away and focused on her barely-touched plate of spaghetti.

'Admit it! You have a cruuuusssshhhhh!!!' Mo made a smoochy face.
'Nooooooooooooooooooooooo,' groaned the poor girl, banging her head on the table.

The week dragged on, Diana and Mo watching Ziara's every move, making her as uncomfortable as possible.

Magic training class was the worst. Somehow, Diana had managed to pair Ziara and Markus up for practice. The very flustered girl managed to get every single one of her spells wrong, random blasts of useless light emitting from her wand, earning several disapproving glances from Ms Circe and glares from Jennifer.

Markus seemed to be enjoying every moment of the class, keeping up a constant stream of chatter, even when Ziara's spell  shot him right in the face.

Ziara made a mental note to scream at Diana first chance she got.

Finally, the week and Ziara's suffering ended. Having been chased out by Jennifer and her minions, she leapt into Diana's room with a loud BOO!,  scaring the wits out of her.
'Consider that revenge for the past few days.'
Diana fell back onto her bed, 'Fair enough...'

Her face lit up soon after, 'I've got an idea! We should set up a date for you two!'

'Nooooooooo, haven't you tortured me enough? I bet he thinks I'm crazy now'

Ziara's head shot up.

'Not that I like him or anything.'

'Just admit it! You turn scarlet every time he's within a 50 mile radius, you stutter when talking to him everytime, you stare at him during lunch, you don't pay attention in lessons cause you're too busy doodling little hearts on your scroll. Need I go on?' Diana raised a perfect eyebrow.

Ziara ignored her, sprawled face-down on the floor to hide her steadily heating face.
'Am I really that obvious?' Her voice muffled by the plush carpet.

Diana's whoop and manic laughter told her all she needed to know.

(A/N: Somebody  complained about the chapter being too short vizaleung  )

A minute passed, then five, then ten, Diana's laughter never ceased, tears were rolling down her face in mirth. Tired of it, Zi grabbed a beautifully embroidered cushion and slammed it into her stomach.

At the sight of her glaring face, Ziara doubled over, and got a whack on the back of her head with the poor cushion.

Ziara quickly retaliated, the pile of cushions toppling over as she snatched one away.
'Pillow fight!'

They were soon reduced into a pile of violent giggles and exhausted limbs.


Ziara sat at her desk, flipping through a book of advanced spells she had borrowed from the library.

'Disappearing spell... seems interesting... and useful...'

She waved her wand in an anti clockwise circle thrice and gave it a flick, aiming at a piece of parchment, then uttered the incantation best as she could.

The parchment stayed there.

Ziara tried a few more times, the parchment stubbornly refused to vanish. She groaned.

A loud yell interrupted her, Ziara's head whipped up, there was no one in the room.

The yell came again, 'Up here!'

She looked up.

And jumped out of her skin.

The ceiling was gone, well, it wasn't, more like transparent.

And she could see the room above hers. The room she stumbled into on her first day. The red-faced boy she remembered stared down at her, his face astonished. His roommate, Ziara felt her face grow even warmer, was Markus.

'Could this day get any worse...' Ziara mumbled as she crashed back down onto her desk, scarlet face in her hands.

'Excuse me? Can you maybe, you know, give our floor back?' The boy called.

'O-oh, sorry, sorry, sorry,' Ziara flipped through the book, looking for a reversal spell.

'Oh no, I don't know to!' Her actions grew frantic, 'I'll go find Diana,' she leapt up.

'There's no need, can you please tell me what spell it was? I might be able to reverse it,' the calm voice of Ziara's crush jolted her out of the blubbering mess.

'Oh, o-okay, umm, let me see, it was a, a disappearing spell... I must have do-done something wrong.'

Markus thought for a moment, waved his wand, and the ceiling appeared again.

'Th-thank you... Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.'

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