Eleven- Advanced MT

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Ziara was so excited for her very first advanced magic class, a class that was extremely hard to get into, everyone envied the students who got in. Some students had to work hard for years before even getting to their level, but luckily for Ziara, Ms Circe saw her talent with magic and invited her in. 

'This is the best day ever!' Ziara squealed,'My very first advanced MT class!' Diana Silverstorm, Ziara's best friend in school was also in the class, grinned at her friend, who looked like she would burst with excitement in any moment.

'Don't get too excited, those lessons can be hard work, even harder if you want to be good enough for ultimate.' Diana warned, she had already been in the advanced MT classes(or AMT, for short) for half a term, so she knew first-hand what would happen there.

'Don't worry, Diana, I'm sure I'll be fine,' Ziara reassured her friend. They soon arrived at Ms Circe's classroom where the classes were being held. 

The advanced magic training class was a class started by Hecate herself for the training of talented wizards. There, the students learnt spells that won't be taught in normal classes. The best ones of the class will be chosen for ultimate MT. That class only has around two students from each form. Diana and Jennifer are the representatives of the first form, with Markus being the third best of the form. The ultimate class represents the school at magic duels and competitions, and SAM is one of the very best schools, second to their rival school, Shadow High.

The classroom was bustling with students from every form, Jennifer, Markus and the Silva twins (Ivy and Holly), who were also very talented magicians, were already there. 

Ms Circe, standing behind the teacher's podium, waved her wand and silence fell immediately, all the students rushed for seats, suddenly unable to talk or make a sound. 

'Ah... Much better,' Ms Circe said. She waved her wand again to break the spell,' Listen up, this month, we have some very important things to do, we need to select a new member of the ultimate class,' the whole class suddenly hushed, the students who were whispering to each other suddenly interested. ', one of our members, Laris Vexas from the second form, transferred to Shadow High because his father accepted the position of headmaster in that school.' She explained with distaste,'So, this term, you will train as hard as possible for that position. With the decennial magic competition happening at the end of this year, this is even more important.'

All the students started bustling with excitement, who would get it? seemed to be the general question. 

After everyone quieted down, Ms Circe proceeded to teach several complicated spells, all which Ziara and Diana mastered, after fifty minutes of hard work. 

Afterwards, Ms Circe assessed everyone's progress, to Ziara's delight, Jennifer couldn't successfully perform one of the spells, hitting one of the bronze statues at the back of the room with a jet of yellow light and melting it into a puddle of steaming shining goo. 

The look of embarrassment on her face was enough to send Ziara and Diana into fits of silent laughter. Almost all the other students passed the quick test with flying colours. 

That night, Ziara, Diana and Mo spent the night in Diana's room laughing about Jennifer's epic fail in class.

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