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~Lee Narainia~

                          Real name: Lee Narainia                          Stage name: Nikki, BabyG         D/O/B: 9/1/2002 (16 in the U

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Real name: Lee Narainia
Stage name: Nikki, BabyG
D/O/B: 9/1/2002 (16 in the U.S. 18 in Korea)
Eye color: Light Ocean Eyes
Natural hair color: Brown with golden flakes
Siblings: Three older sisters, four older brothers, her twin brother, two younger sisters, 4 little brothers
Parents: Father and Mother

~•Life description•~
(Before she was in BTS)
Nikki's favorite colors are blue, red, black, white and gray. She and her twin brother are the middle children of the family. She was born in Busan, South Korea. She migrated to Toronto, Canada to make money for her siblings and start a music career but she was deported back to Busan two years after. She goes to a high school in Busan called Busan High School of Arts in her hometown Geumjeong-gu, Busan. She interacts really well with boys. Girls not so much. She was in a girls track team and left the school as fastest student in Busan. Nikki and her twin brother are the most different kids in the family. Or at least that's what her parents think. Nikki has more of a bad girl image as well as her brother but her other siblings kind of don't. She is very serious though and it would be really hard to get her soft side out. Nikki was always into dancing and rapping and singing. She always danced in the streets and rapped underground but never really sang because she thought that she wasn't good at it. She auditioned for many companies and got accepted into all but she had to choose and so she went with Big Hit Ent.

~•Life description after debut with BTS•~

Nikki is known to be the girl visual and girl golden maknae. She has a good relationship with everyone in the group. Views everyone as her brothers and gets along with them very well. She is also known as the bad girl of the group. She can be very serious sometimes in interviews but can also be very funny. She has a puppy that is insanely adorable and named lickerish.

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She visits her siblings very often and help them out

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She visits her siblings very often and help them out. She wasn't in contact with her parents at the moment because they didn't wanna talk to her since she made her decision to become an idol. She debuted with BTS in 2014. She has been part of the BTS Army when BTS debuted in 2013. She was super happy and proud to be able to work with these dorks. All the Army really loved Nikki but she does receive a lot of hate. There is times that the hate gets to her but the guys help her get back on her feet. Nikki is easy to get along with and, as other idols say, 'she is one of a kind'.

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