General Information

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*Aliens have lived on Earth since the Egyptian era.
*The longest ever living S/n, was a Vamp named Luccus, he helped put together the information on all S/ns, he was two thousand years old, before a newer Vamp named Claude killed him. 
*Not much is known about Luccus, he was the main contributer to the writing of S/n history and laws. 
*Some of the different species of S/n, come/branch from Aliens.
*Some were made using human and Alien DNA mixed together (scientists doing).
*There's only one universe, with hundreds of galaxies, in these galaxies, are thousands of solar systems, majority with living planets.
*Just after the Roman era, all S/n's were captured, held in camps like prisons, or killed, until a S/n from Ireland, named Neville Repelmist revolted along with other S/n's and a handful of humans, who thought S/n's should be equal to humans.
*The escaped S/n's from the prison camps spread throughout the world starting pockets of S/n habitats where S/n's can live freely, safely and without prejudice.
*Some S/n's still live amongst humans today, but they must follow both human and S/n laws, which is too much for most S/n's, one set of laws is enough for most S/n's.
*S/ns live in either large or small groups, these are called either a: 
Pack, Coven, Flock, Troop, Crew, Mass, Deck, Form, Parade, Cluster or a 
*None of the myths about S/n's, especially Vamps are true, they were made up by S/n's themselves. 
*All S/n's are aggressive, territorial and violent when necessary or provoked.
*S/n's have been here on Earth just as long as humans.
*S/n's have evolved just like humans.
*When a S/n turns off their humanity or feelings, their eyes permanently become blood red, except for their pupils. 
*A S/n's eyes turn different colours when feeling emotional, etc, these are:
Anger - Black and Love/Lust - Purple.
*All S/n's have a circle around their pupil which are categorized by: 
New born - Red ring, gradually changes when mature, Mature - Silver ring. 
*Newborns eyes gradually change over a six month period, they become mature after a year.
*S/ns eyes are red if they drink human blood, and their natural colour when they drink animal blood.
*All S/n's are still a secret to humans and still are hidden from humans.
*The only humans that do know S/n's exist, are made to sign a confidentially document, if they do blab, the human council holds a public media conference saying they cracked under the pressure of their job, and sent to a mental institution, or killed.  
*These are the humans that know about S/n's:
Head political people e.g. queens, kings, prime ministers, Head of emergency services e.g. police, fire, ambulance chiefs, Head military people e.g. generals, Head scientists, and Medical staff e.g. professors specialists etc.
*When a new human person is elected or are promoted to highest position in an organization, they are given secret files, containing everything to do with S/n's.
*S/n's have their own set of rules, that must be strictly followed. 
*If a S/n breaks the law or jeopardizes the secret existence of S/n's, they will be executed. 
*A human council made up of two humans per country meet with the S/n council made up of two S/ns per habitation, one week every year unless theres an emergency.
*The most sought after and rare metal is called Celestial metal, it's found only in heaven, is one hundred per cent stronger, tougher and durable than any other metal found on Earth, is used to make weapons for guards in heaven, the metal won't break, only Gods, certain Demons and Angels can handle this metal.
*Celestial metal instantly burns a S/ns skin when it touches them, it cuts through the toughest S/n skin like butter. 
*To kill a S/n is hard and must be done quickly, there are four ways to kill a S/n permanently these are:
Decapitate, burn, scatter ashes, Tie/chain up, burn, scatter ashes, Stake them, burn, scatter ashes (A stake to the heart will only paralyse them), or With a celestial weapon.
*There are a few diseases, viruses, infections etc, that a S/n can die or get seriously sick from, you can read this in the disease pamphlet.    
*S/n's can have mixed species relationships marriages and children, but most date, marry and have same species children.
*The first recorded mixed species marriage was in 1966, but many believe they were around in Roman times.
*S/n's have jobs in S/n companies, some work for humans but not for long, as humans get suspicious, as S/ns age slower than humans.
*Every S/n must be registered, if they aren't they will be hunted down, if explanation doesn't satisfy council, the S/n will be killed.
*Every newborn S/n must be supervised by their maker or clan, they belong to.
*A maker and their newborn have a strong connection, not as strong as a bond, when a maker or their born die the other mourns for years.
*A database is accessed by a site on the Internet, it's a directory of every S/n living or dead on the planet, the details that are shown are: 
Name, Birth, Change date, Born or made, Spouse, And contact details.
*It's illegal to drain a S/n of their blood, anyone caught doing this or has drained blood in their possession, will be killed immediately, regardless if human or S/n. 
*Vampire blood mixed with Unicorn blood is called Univamp, it's a very powerful and a very addictive drug, it makes the user feel more sexier, stronger, tougher, aggressive and think they can do anything, sometimes a user will go on a rampage, S/ns can die from excess usage, humans can go crazy and end up in a mental institute, human media will publish a story about a human going crazy from the drug, S/n police kill S/n user on site the drug is illegal.
*Medical and the military use tiny amounts of Vamp blood, to treat injuries, as it heals faster than any other S/n blood, as a last resort in saving a patient.
*S/n's can't enter a private home or building etc unless invited in, the invitation can be retracted at any time.
*A blood bond is when a S/n exchanges blood with another S/n or human, only a little blood is necessary, both feel what the other feels, know when they are in danger etc, it lasts from a few hours to months, it depends on how much blood is exchanged.
*Some S/n's can regrow back any body part, but it's a long and a very painful process.
*All S/n's must drink blood when injured to help them heal quicker and become strong again.
*All S/n's heal, some heal faster than others depending on type of S/n and wound.
*Some S/ns age, others don't, those who do age, age slowy. 
*A diet of a S/n falls into five categories these are:
Blood, Vegetarian, Meat, Human food, and Other - insect, flowers, seeds, seafood, eggs, leaves, grass, soil, nuts, herbal, etc
*All S/n's use their bowels, kidneys and bladder their wastes is a black gooey substance.
*There are two types of metal that will kill, injure or burn a S/n, one is Celestial metal, the other is Copper, if the metal touches their skin it burns, tools, equipment etc are made from these metals will injure a S/n, if digested in liquid form it will either make them seriously ill or kill them, depending on how much they digest.
*All S/n's need to relax and rest, some sleep some don't.
*S/n's only need six hours of sleep, kids need eight hours. 
*All S/ns hair and nails grow like humans, just like humans, they cut their hair and nails.
*Some S/n's have a gift/power, some have more than one.
*S/n's saliva is used in human medicines, to help sedate them, when sick, being operated on or injured, it has a numbing properties.
*The S/n government body made an agreement in the late 70's, to use S/n saliva in human medicines, they only use voluntary S/n's.
*If a S/n donates saliva, which is done at a hospital, they receive a free cup of blood, or other drinks.
*A S/n can donate saliva as many times as they wish, there's no limit.
*After the last devastating war which nearly exposed S/n's, and nearly wiped them out of existence, a council was set up, a member of each habitat is on the council, each habitat has a:
King/Queen or both, Mayor, Sheriff(s) amount depends on population, states etc
Deputies amount depends on population, states etc.
*Just like Repelmist, all habitats have an invisible shield surrounding it, camouflaging it, there are seventy two habitats that S/n's live in, besides in the human world these are:
Agatha - Centre of Earth, Alfheim - Sweden, Annwn - Wales, Avalon - England, Area 51 - America, Atlantis - In Atlantic Ocean, Aragon - Spain, Aquitaine - France, Amazon Rainforest - South America , Biarmaland - Russia, Bermuda Triangle - Bahamas, Blue Mountains - NSW, Colosseum - Rome, Italy, Camelot - England, Chichen Itza - Mexico, Dahomey - Africa, Dubailand - Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dome of the Rock - Jerusalem, Israel, El Dorado - South America, Hawaiki - New Zealand, Haitian – Africa,Hogsmead - England, Ipswich - Massachusetts, Giza pyramid – Egypt, Ġgantija - Malta, Grand Canyon - Arizona America, Kvenland - Finland, Kansas - America, KäKa'rnten - Croatia, Kotoamatsulami - Japan, Komodo - Republic of Indonesia, Lyonesse - Cornwall, England, Loch Ness - Scotland, Lotharin - Belgium, Germany, Lone Star - Texas, Labbacallee - Ireland, Mount Olympus - Greece, Mount Penglai - China, Mosasaur - Johannesburg, South Africa
Monte d'Accoddi - Italy, Mehrgarh - Pakistan, Machu Picchu - Peru, Mayan ruins - Yucatán Peninsula, México
Mount Everest - Himalayas, North Pole - Alaska, Nazca - Peru, New Orleans - America, Palembang - Malaysia, Pirot - Germany, Parthenon - Greece, Pompeii - Italym, Roswell - America, Rome - Italy, Repelmist  - Coast off Western Australia, Saguenay - Canada, Salem - Massachusetts, Shambhala - Himalayas, Stonehenge - England, Shikoku - Japanese island, Shangri-La - Tibet, South Pole - Antarctica, Transylvania - Romania, The Crystal Palace - London, England, Themiscyra - Amazon, Thule - Greenland, Thuvaraiyam Pathi - India, Taj Mahal - Agra, India, Tarxien Temples - Malta, Temple of Hera - Italy, Victoria Falls - Zimbabwe, West Kennet Long Barrow - England, Ys- Brittany, France and Youdu - China.
*The S/n council are made up of each habitat King/queen or both, they meet once a year for two weeks.
*Each King/queen come from a long line of the same family, once a king/queen passes, the crown goes to the next member in line of that family, if there are no members left, an election is held, the new leader is the one with the most votes.
*Elections for mayor are held every fifty years.
*Evertime a pack, group etc of S/n's meet they place a yellow magnetic flag ontop of their vechicles or wear a yellow arm band around their upper arm, this tells the other S/n packs, groups etc, that they come in peace.
*Every pack, group etc, has a small piece of land, a S/n must get permission from that S/n leader to enter their land.
*A S/n knows where the border of a S/n land is by their smell, each land has their own personal smell.
*To enter a S/n land, they must follow this protical:
Cantact them ahead of time, by phone, email, etc, stand at the border and either wait for a guard(s) to appear or call out, S/ns have one hundred times the distance hearing than humans, a S/n guard(s) from that land will approach them. The guard(s) will then ask for what purpose they want to cross/enter, The S/n will then tell them the reason , One guard takes off to tell the leader, The guard comes back with the leader or rep, who will then ask them a few questions, give them their land rules and sus them out, If the leader or rep says yes, then the S/n may pass, If the leader says no, and the S/n retaliates, more guards turn up and hold the S/n, until the police arrive, All protocol is off in an emergency.
*A S/n or S/n leader has the right to kill the intruding S/n.
*S/n groups, packs, etc, land stops at common law roads, buildings, air space etc. 
 *A S/n and human relationship is taboo, a human dating a S/n or a S/n and human having a child is frowned upon, minority of S/ns don't accept it, unless that human is going to change into a S/n.
*Credits are used in the universe, one credit is one Australian Earth dollar.   

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