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All cars are either made or adjusted to become smart cars, units are installed in vehicles while being built, or added in older cars, units are also in fixed locations such as near traffic signals, lights and emergency call boxes along the road. Data is sent via mobile communication network or satellite communications, and can be accessed by a PC, web-based software, mobile phone or attached touch screen on the dash, ongoing costs are electricity to run the system, maintenance costs for control and networking systems, including troubleshooting, and cost of upgrading as standards change. A fee for setup and installation. The car has built in: 
*Gps - Global Positioning System  combined with computers and mobile communications technology
*Alert system - Lets the owner know when maintenance is needed, low on running power, diagnostics needed, and health & safety, e.g seatbelts not worn
*Reverse system - Beeps and lets people know youre reversing, side mirrors move so you can get a better look behind you
*Emergency warning system - Beeps and lights flash when an object is too close, or the system detects a gas leak, water leak, fire or other emergencies, the system notifies emergency services 
*Anti-theft system - When someone tries to break in, a loud siren activates and a voice warns to person or people to move away from vehicle, also stops dead when an unauthorized person or people get in the vehicle, the system is connected to emergency services
*Tracking system - Monitors the location, movements, status, odometer, and behaviour of a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. is done through a combination of a GPS receiver and an electronic device (usually comprising a GSM GPRS modem or SMS sender) installed in each vehicle, has a visual display
*Brake system - Control aids connected to brakes, when any car slows down, all those behind it will automatically slow.
*Electric system- Controls heat, air con, windows, door Locks, child lock, boot- open, close, radio, etc
There are also:
*Trailer tracking - Tracking the movements and position of a vehicle's trailer, through the use of a location unit fitted to the trailer.
*Container tracking - Freight containers can be tracked by GPS using a similar approach for trailer tracking. Benifits of include increased security, possibility to reschedule the container transport movements based on accurate information about its location.
*Cold store - Cold store freight trailers that are used to deliver fresh or frozen foods gather time-series data on temperature inside the container, both to trigger alarms and record an audit trail for business purposes. And ensure that temperature throughout the cargo remains within food-safety parameters.
*Fleet management - Management of a company's vehicle fleet. Includes management of ships, motor vehicles such as cars, vans and trucks, financing, maintenance, tracking and diagnostics, driver management, running power management, health & safety management and dynamic vehicle scheduling, and work hours. Allows companies which rely on transportation in their business to remove or minimize risks associated with vehicle investment, improving efficiency, productivity and reducing overall transportation costs, providing 100% complicity with government legislation and Duty of Care obligations. Functions can be dealt with by an in-house Fleet Management department or an outsourced Fleet Management provider.
*Range of radio links are extended by forwarding messages along multi-hop paths. Even without fixed units, information about fixed hazards can be maintained by moving vehicles by passing it backwards. Traffic lights use this information to reduce the chance of collisions. A driver's behaviour is monitored directly while the person drives and this information are transmitted to an insurance company. The insurance company then assesses the risk of that driver having an accident and charges insurance premiums accordingly. A driver, who drives less responsibly, will be charged a higher premium than a driver who drives smoothly and with less calculated risk of claim propensity.
*Each person who uses the same vehicle can have their own settings.

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