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Before any female becomes pregnant they have a period every month, which is more painful than a human female period
*A period lasts from 3 to 5 days, and like human females, they can become irrgeular.
*S/n females get their period when they're between 7 to 8 yrs, if they don't get it, it means they can't reproduce.
*Even if a S/n gets their period, doesn't mean they can have kids, just like humans, it's pot luck.
*Period symptoms are worse before and during for S/n females, these are: 
Bedridden (sometimes for the whole time or just a day, depends on the female and her cycle), Cramps, Dizzyness, Fainting spells, Tiredness, Moody, No energy, Feel weak and Feel thirsty.
*Pregnancies are monitored closely, most end in a C section sometimes the babies or mother or both die, but this is rare now thanks to modern technology, centuries ago the death rate was ninety per cent now it's fourty per cent.
*Females are only pregnant once, and once they give birth or miscarriage their period stops forever.
*If a female want more than one child, they can opt to remove eggs, this process is done like IVF, females can opt for this procedure during their menstrual time, it's done after they finish their period, most females opt for this, even though it's painful and sometimes doesn't work.
*Females can do the IVF as many times as they like, every IVF ends up in a C section.
*Embryos or fertilized eggs are frozen and stored, waiting to be used.       
*Females give birth to two or more babies at once, it's not unusual for one or more to die.
*Pregnancy lasts for five months, is more dangerous than a human pregnancy, as both mother and child are weak, vulnerable and can die any time during and after the pregnancy.
*Common symptoms and discomforts that a women is pregnant include:
Tiredness, Urinating frequency , Nausea, Noticeably pale, No period, Extreme hormonal changes, S/n's gifts start to muck up, Extreme mood swings, Food cravings, Fainting and Breasts become tender.
*At one month, (two months for humans) a woman can opt to have an abortion, as the baby is an embry, after a month, it's too late.
*At two months, (four months for humans) the woman starts showing, the embry is now called a fetus, and they can find the sex of the baby(ies), their skin, hair etc, become dull, as the fetus gets the most nutrients.
*At three months, (six months for humans) the fetus is now called a baby, women need to start slowing down, they become weaker, more tired, bigger stomachs and hormonal.
*At four months, (eight months for humans) women have to have complete rest, at this stage they're heavily pregnant, walk slower, and can very easily loose the baby(ies) and are the most weakest and vulnerable, a woman must look after themselves, this is the most important stage, women sleep/rest more.
*At five months, (ten months for humans) women can give birth anyday.
*Common symptoms and discomforts during pregnancy include:
Tiredness, S/n's gifts become unstable, Constipation, Diahrea, Pelvic pain, Back pain, Urinating frequency , Heartburn and nausea, Body swelling, Noticeably pale, Extreme hormonal changes, Extreme mood swings, Food cravings, Stretch marks on breasts, stomach, hips and thighs.
*From the third month until the birth, women experience severe bruising, ribs, pelvis and other bones start to break.
*Most women choose to have a C section, as it's quicker.
*Common effects/signs after birth include:
Stretch marks, on breasts, stomach, hips and thighs, which are perminate, they fade but are still noticeble, make up can cover them, Most women's maternal instincts permenatly kick in, Their bodies/ hormones etc return to normal, Some suffer from depression, but with help will dissappear , Women bleed for a week, depending on the woman, their period can vary in heavyness, If breastfeeding, breasts become larger, tender and leak,, breasts go back to normal when they stop breastfeeding. 
*S/n kids grow twice as fast as human kids.
*S/n kids are adults by ten years.
*S/n kids go through puberty between seven and eight years.

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