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Is used to travel from,country to country, state to state, planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy and solar system to solar system quickly, each country, state, planet, galaxy and solar system has an airport like transporter building in or near their military base, they run the transporter, with round, metal shaped structures like the sci-fi show Stargate. Vechicles, cargo and living, go through the round shape, to the closest transporter to their destination, then a ship will take them the rest of the way. The buildings are run like an airport, you must show your passport, have tickets, go through security, etc. You can book at your local travel agent, just like booking a holiday, using a transporter takes only a few seconds, it's more convenient, efficient and reliable than a plane, transport sickness does occur in some who use it, the sickness is just like any other sickness like sea or air, it only lasts a few moments and is treated like any other sickness like air or sea sickness. Transporters are checked daily, repaired when necessary and updated every six months, travelling by transporter is safe and fast. Transporter travelling is very popular, though some still prefer the old method of star ship travel, which takes longer and even years if you're ship doesn't have light speed. The procedure is as follows:
*Just like an airport you must find your destionation counter.
*Once you've checked in your baggage and shown your ticket at the counter, the service officer will point to where you go next.
*You go through two security check points.
*The first is a bag check point, bags are put on a conveyer belt and scaned, just like in an airport security, if anything is wrong you will be pulled out of line and the bag opened.
*The next a body scan, this will dectet anything you're not supposed to carry or have.
*Once that is finished, the officer on duty will point you to the next area.
*You line up behind other living and wait for the living in front to go through the transporter.
*Once your turn comes, the officer will politely swap pleasantries with you.
*There are two large lights, like traffic lights, one is green and the other red.
*Once the red light turns to green you may step through the transporter.
*The same process is used when travelling by a vechicle or vechicles, but on a bigger scale.  

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