The Change

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To make a S/n is complicated, dangerous and time consuming, most S/n's rarely make one, a S/n can only make a new S/n every twenty five years.
*It's not unusual in a mixed species relationship for one mate wanting to change to their mate's species.
*It's done the same way as a normal change is done, except the S/n knows the change process. 
*The change process must be followed, once a S/n has decided to make or change a S/n, they must follow the process this is:
Apply to their council and fill out the paperwork, Council will organize a meeting for the intended S/n and maker, ask questions such as why they want to be a S/n, relationship to S/n the pros and cons of becoming a S/n etc, The intended will go through a mental, physical and physiological exams, if they pass they move to the next step (this step is skipped if already a S/n or in an emergency situation), If intended still agrees to becoming a S/n, a date will be set up for them to make the change.
*The change is a long and painful process, which is done at a S/n hospital, the process involves:
The intended will be strapped to a metal gurney, A nurse will prepare the intended for the change, by inserting a tube into their arm to drain them of ninety per cent of their blood, another drip of morphine will be inserted to help with the pain, The venom and eighty per cent of blood from the S/n they will become, is inserted into their major veins, pressure points and lastly the heart, A doctor, nurse, maker and at least six council members or S/n pack, group, etc, must be present to help the venom and blood spread through the intendant, Wait, it takes no more than five days for the change, to finish in this time the new S/n will either die or be in excruciating pain.
*Once the change is over, the maker must look after the new S/n and teach them everything about their particular type and laws of the S/n world, if they can't, a member of their clan, group, pack, etc, must or the new S/n will be killed.
*A new S/n is more dangerous, stronger, hungrier, aggressive, unpredictable, angrier, vicious and emotional, they must be supervised at all times.
*Before a new S/n can leave the hospital they must feed.
*The steps in making a S/n is ignored if a human is close to death, or in an emergency they will be changed, after a close friend or family member has agreed to it, the paperwork is done during the wait period, and only a council member must attend.

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