Universal Federation Government (UFG)

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Universal Federation Government or UFG for short, is a large united group made up from thousands of planets, a king, queen or both represent their planet, and on behalf of their living, make decisions, alliances, etc, to become a member each king and or queen must sign a declaration, which is strictly followed, most planets have signed this declararion. Every year for three weeks, members of the UFG meet at the neutral home base on a dead planet called Corix, in the Seploya galaxy, in the Crader solar system, the planet is in a fairly small solar system with only five other dead planets. Is one times bigger than Earth, gravity is four times that of Earth. A single day lasts thirty six hours, a year lasts two hundred and fourty seven days. The planet is made up of zero continents, which make up zero percent of the planet's landmass. Five moon(s) orbit the planet, each a different colour, and the planet itself orbits a red sun in a circular orbit. Life is impossible on this planet and will always be impossible. After the last universal war, and millions of innocent lives lost, twenty kings and queens from different planets got together to form the UFG, as decades moved on, more planets joined the UFG, today it now has millions of planets. When they found the perfect planet, the UFG constructed two impregnable metalic domes, both have a highly advanced elevator to get from level to level, also an emergency staircase. The first dome is three hundred levels high, with every luxury and service you can think or imagine. The second is smaller only ten levels high, and used by the guardians of the universe, they permantly live there, and is their main headquarters, they also have every service and luxury, the dome employs workers who run the dome, look after the guardians, do chores, etc. There are three head positions, members who are in charge, the first is Chancellor, second is Commissioner and the third is Colonel, every fifty years, the UFG members have an election to vote for the next Chancellor, Commissioner and Colonel, this is scraped if a member declares unfit to take charge, then an emergency early election is done. The first domes living quarters, luxuries and services are built around the main meeting room. This is set up like an areana, the three hundred levels have their own personal hover boxes that a member can control and move into the hover center stage, the hover center stage seats the three head UFG members, they start and finish the meetings, on the hover boxes is a console with controls and a button, the button is connected to the center hover box, when a member presses this button it will light up on the console of the center hover stage with the details of that member, when addressed by the Chancellor, they can move to the middle and have their say, once finished they move back, to their spot, where the hover box locks back into place. Members also have their own private quarters to conduct their businesses and live in for a short period, whichever level their hover box is on, that's where their quarters are located, every member receives a copy of the declaration and their hover box number, this number is the same as their quarter number.The UFG is like any other government, issues are raised, discussed and hopefully solved, like all governments, there's friction at times, fights break out, debates started, name calling, etc, all members have a translator box they attach to their necks by velcro, before the meeting, this enables all members to clearly understand each other, English is spoken. Each member can decorate their living quarters the way they like, Guardians and Time Travellers stand in as guards, mediators, etc, at these meetings, each planet is allocated at least two Guardians and two Time Travellers, they go wherever the member of that planet goes, many kings and queens make alliances with other kings and queens. The Chancellor, Commissioner and Colonel must give up their positions as king or queen and move into the second dome, with the guardians, where they'll live permanently until they either pass or a new Chancellor, Commissioner, or and Colonel is elected. 

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