Declararion of UFG

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The decloration has many advantages, these are:
*Knowing a planet will have support and help when needed.
*Can get resources they may not have on their planet.
*Can get any type of advice.
*Can receive financial help.
*Will receive the same technology as all other planets.
*Can get help, advice, etc to ruling their planet.
*Will take over temperly when that king or queen goes on holiday.
*They have the freedom to run their planet their way, unless harmful to their people or UFG.
*All planets have a space station orbiting their planet for front line defence. 
*Have mediation servies.  
The declaration has specific rules that must be followed, these are:
*When a planet is in need of help, all other planets must come to their aid.
*No violence, wars, experiments, etc can be carried out on other planets without the leader of the other planets authority.
*Every planet is treated equally.
*Any member can be detained in their living quarters, until they have a trial or charges dropped. 
*All members are expected to uphold the laws of the UFG.
*All decisions are solved by the majority.
*All members can record any conversation they have or will have.
*All records of meetings can be copied and given to a member when they request it. 
*No member can enslave or have slaves.
*If a member is or becomes corrupt, they loose their membership, another living from their planet is then given membership. 
*No secrets are to be kept, all members must be honest. 
*They allow living from other planets to visit and or relocate to their planet.
*All have an immigration, tourist service other planets can easily contact.
*When necessary, and all else fails the UFG will blow up a planet, their living, flora and fauna with or without the planets king or queens permission. 
*No member can attend meetings under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other substance.
*All members must attend the meetings, no excuse will be accepted, except for sickness or death.
*No member is permitted to use their gift(s) while in a meeting.
*When a rule is broken twice, the representative for that planet will be executed publicly.

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