Tora Planet

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Is a dead planet, in the Storth galaxay, in the Basinov solar system, a small solar system with nine other uninhabitable planets. Is five times bigger than Earth, gravity is four times that of Earth. A single day lasts twenty four hours, a year lasts four hundred and ninety days. The planet is made up of zero continents, which make up zero percent of the planet's landmass. Four moons orbit the planet and the planet itself orbits a yellow sun in an almost perfectly circular orbit. It's obvious life on this planet is impossible. This planet shields the other planets from an asteroid field which crosses every few decades. When this happens, small pieces are scattered through this solar system, but the vast majority are caught by this planet, the larger pieces of the asteroid make craters in the surface of this planet, alot like the Earth's moon. Those pieces that do get scattered in this solar system, are usually not big enough to destroy the other planets. The planet is one big prison, made up by hundreds of domes that house criminals, the domes are upgraded and added onto every year, just like the domes on Jewel Planet, this dome is impossible to break into, even large, heavy and dangerous asteroids can't get through. They do batter the outside of the prison though, once an asteroid has passed, criminals are sent outside in a protective suit to check the damage the asteroid has done, any damage is then repaired. As you can imagine security is high, if a prisoner does escape, the atmosphere and environment will kill them within three seconds. This jail is harsh, punishments are given out daily, once a prisoner passes, their body is burnt, the ashes scattered into space. Like Jewel Planet the domes are self sufficient, and run like any other prison. This is one place living don't want to visit

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