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Just because your broken
Doesn't mean you can't be


I woke up with my arm around Payton I smiled realizing that this wasn't a dream. I heard my mom call from the kitchen telling us breakfast is ready. We get up and Payton comes up to me and says" hey I need clothes and I don't wanna go back to my house" I think for a second 'she would look really cute in my shirt but my jeans would be to big' "ugh you can use my sisters clothes she doesn't live here anymore" "okay I'll be right back" as she sauntered off slowly swaying her hips I couldn't help but look at her beautiful form I still don't know why her dad would do that to her. I walk downstairs I greet my mom with my charming smile and sit down in my regular spot. My mom puts down a piece of toast and some eggs on my plate just as Payton walked in looking hella hot. My sisters clothes looked really smoking on her I swear I'd we were dating I would be the luckiest guy ever. She sits down across from me my mom hand her the same stuff and we both start eating. We finish up quickly knowing we half to go to the support group, I say bye to my mom and we walk out heading for the crazy place. As we walk we make small talk just enjoying each others company. At one point her lace came undone and she bent down showing off her nice as- ugh Caleb stop you just met yesterday quit get your hormonal boy shit together keep it in your pants. We reach the dreaded destination we both freeze before we walk in like it's an abandoned building like off of supernatural. But we press on knowing we can't afford to miss out on it
We reach the room and push the doors open and of course we're the last there. Mr whatever you are starts drowning on how we were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago but I just tune out. After his little Fiesta we sit down and I just completely zone out. My eyes wander over to Payton's amazing physique, amazing brown hair lightly wavy, the way her eyes shine in the morning sunlight coming through the crusty and dusty windows the way she laughs it's music to my ears for some reason this girl makes me feel more alive then I ever have before. "CALEB!  I slightly jump and the rising volume coming from the ass butt up at the front "what" I reply a bit angry cause he interrupted my day dreaming "pay attention young man just because this is a support group doesn't mean u can just go off to la la land" I roll my amber eyes and face forward upset that I can't look at the pretty being to my left. The meeting drug on linger then expected it felt like years before I got out of there. Me and Payton leave we were walking to my house when her phone go's off, "hello" her voice so smooth and fragile "uhm yes I'll be there I'm sorry" her voice starts to tremble as she speaks "okay bye....." she speaks bit the line go's dead. A tear slips down her cheek and I immediately go and wipe it away and as I do she falls into my arms I'm caught off guard so I kinda stumble but regain my balance and sit with her in my arms. "hey hey Payton what's wrong" she doesn't speak just sniffles and quietly sobs into my chest. "look you don't have to tell me now just know that I'm here to talk to okay sweetheart" she shakes and looks up at me with her beautiful grey eye's  all red, we keep staring into each others eyes her grey ones fixated on my amber orbs. Soon she stops shaking and Is just sitting in my lap slightly sniffling. I now make it my life's mission to make sure this broken girl will get fixed even if it takes years I will be here for her.

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