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You never really know
How much u love a person
Until there gone.

I sat there crying my eyes out " paytons gone she won't wake up and it's all my fault I shouldn't have let her go alone I was supposed to protect this broken girl and no-? "Payton"? I asked more in a question she looked at me with sorrow in her grey then looked to the door. Josie and her dad left " Josie and your dad had places to be ok" Payton replied with a soft ok and closed her eyes again. My heart and mind began to race thinking if she'll wake up again I never thought that a girl would make me like this.

As I'm sitting there in the white room with beeping machines that are the only thing that's making me believe and have hope that paytons alive, she starts to strike in the bed I quickly jump to the side and hold her hand afraid she might die, she jolts up with a river of tears streaming down her face. She looked at me then at our hands she gripped tighter as we heard foot steps. We both looked to the door in unison surprised what we saw in the door way. Payton stuttered saying your alive as andrew her presumed to be dead brother walked closer, "yep I am" Payton was stunned with her mouth a gap "your seeing this too Caleb right?" "Y ya". The doctor walked in informing us that payton could leave and that she just had to grab her anti depressents and she will be on her way. We grabbed, we ran, and we made it to her house.

We walked in as andrew stepped back out saying eh had to be somewhere then ran off. Payton said she was tired but I knew she was lying so I made a lie of my own " Andrew doesn't want u to sleep until he gets back" I knew she would believe it cause well if her presumed to be dead brother came back she would believe everywhere he would say so we sat down and we turned in jumanji it wasn't bad but I had better plans in mind. I quickly turned to face her I lightly pulled her chin to face me as our eyes met for a brief second wich felt like eons I closed my light amber eyes and lent in and as our lips collided it felt like a supernova just happened the explosion so colorful so bright so full of love as much as I could show this broken girl as much as she needed.

When we broke apart I looked into her grey eye's wich looked to be lighting up for a change I smiled my genuine smile I loved this girl and I knew it and bow she knows it but just to be clear I lean into her ear and whisper a light " I love you Payton" soft and sweet as my lips brush her ear. She pulls me back in by the hem of my collar and passionately kisses me again the passion and love between us is so bright so lush so.. so broken but yet so perfect at teh same time. We pull apart and look into each others eyes staring deep into her steel orbs as she looks into teh amber abyss of my eyes we both smile , she leans into my ear so close I can feel her breath on the outer shell she whispers " I love you Caleb" before she pulls away she kisses my neck wich sent an electric shiver down my spine.

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