Payton {continued}

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I stepped back after my dad reached out his hand and I fell back. Off of the bridge.

Maybe I'll finally be happy, maybe I won't have to worry anymore. I won't be a nuisance now...

I was falling; falling to my destiny.. I hit the water below the bridge and everything went black

Is this it? Am I dead yet?

[few hours later]
I heard talking.
My dad...

[for those wondering, Josie is Payton's sister who she doesn't talk to, Josie is 19 and Payton is 15]

My eyes flickered open, Caleb was crying, my dad was pacing back and forth, Josie was beside Caleb biting her nails and my mom was outside talking with a doctor.
"Payton.." Caleb whispered after he realized I was awake, I smiled slightly at the sight of him.
I saw Josie walk out as well as my dad "Josie has somewhere to go as well as your parents" Caleb shrugged, I nodded in response and closed my eyes to enter my mind

"I'll never leave you" Andrew said hugging me
"Never?" I said
"Never" Andrew repeated my words
Right now I'm walking with Andy to the park, he said we're meeting one of his friends there, he said it's Melissa, I like Melissa, she plays dollies with me whenever she comes over.
Andy and I start crossing the street, a car keeps driving and Andy pushes my forwards, when I look back Andy is laying on the ground, with red coming from his face, so I run to him, he's my big brother... I cry and shake him but he doesn't move "Andy? Andy! Wake up!" I cried, a lady ran over to me and pulled me back, I fought and fought but gave up after she wouldn't let go, I turned and cried, confused and scared...
We're at Andrew's funeral... I'm 8 now, he got hit 3 months ago, I miss him, he was everything to me. He'd take care of me when mom and dad couldn't.... I wish I could say bye.....
{end flashback}
"Payton! Payton! Wake up" I heard Caleb, I shot up with tears streaming down my face "you fell asleep and started crying, what happened?" Caleb said "I had a dream of my brother..." I wiped the tears away "you have a brother?" Caleb asked "had" I corrected "he died when I was 7, three months before my 8th birthday" I continued "how old was he when he..." Caleb stopped "14" someone said, I looked around "who said that???" Someone walked in through the door and my jaw dropped, Caleb looked over to and looked back at me then back at him "A-Andrew!?" I stuttered shocked "hi" he said walking towards me, tears streamed down my face "Caleb.. you see him too right?" I looked at Caleb, he nodded, I got up and walked over to Andrew, I hugged him "but you.. you died.. I saw it.. I was 7 years old.. you got hit by a car... you pushed me out of the way so I wouldn't die you weren't bleeding and there was blood everywhere. And when paramedics arrived they tried reviving you.. and.. and... they said you were dead!" I fell to the ground crying, Andrew bent down beside me "it was staged Payton, I called the hospital, told them what I was doing, mom and dad helped too.. I live with mom by the way.." Andrew explained, I nodded "gosh, it's been 7 years and you look gorgeous" Andrew said "yeah, and I've tried killing myself twice, this being the second time" I blurted out "wait.. why?" Andrew blinked a bit fast "dad... he abused me after mom left..." I sighed "oh" is all Andrew said.
The doctor walks in "Payton, you're allowed to leave now. But stop by the pharmacy to pick up your anti-depressants prescription please" he said and left, I nodded and walked out with Caleb and Andrew.. and for some reason I was holding Caleb's hand and not my own brother's... weird right?
We walked down to the pharmacy and grabbed my prescription

I'll just overdose. I don't care
Caleb phoned his mom to ask if he could stay the night. She agreed, Andrew said he had to go see someone but would be back later... I think he's lying..
"Let's watch a movie" Caleb said "I'm tired" I lied "Andrew doesn't want you going to sleep until he gets home" Caleb shrugged, I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch, Caleb sat beside me and put his arm behind me.

Kiss him! Kiss him! It's your chance!

Caleb put on Jumanji. Not gonna lie, it's a good movie. Caleb turned to me while I was watching the movie, he turned my head to face him and he kissed me.

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