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Soulmates never die.... ~anon

It's been a day since I tried killing myself, today it's just a chill day, Caleb and I are at my house, still avoiding my dad, I kind of want to go back to group today, surprising right?

"well, how about we watch a movie" i asked with a sigh "sure if u dont mind me cuddling you" Caleb said with a slight chuckle "thats ok now what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked, he shrugged and laid back, letting me decide, well I don't have good movies so, here we go.

Halfway through the movie "Thor"  I guess I fell asleep, al I remember is watching a movie and curling up against Caleb and snuggling into his chest. I wake up and see I'm in my room and see Caleb asleep beside me, his hair is so fluffy when it's like that. I could just play with it for HOURS upon HOURS, soon Caleb starts waking up, he sits up and stretches "hey Payton" he said with a slight yawn, just hearing him say my name it warms my heart "yeah babe" feels weird saying that, I haven't had a boyfriend in..... ever actually, I've never had one, you know, I realized group is like school, and that we haven't been going to school because group is the exact same days, thankfully we only have about 1 day left of group, but then back to school we go, and I love saying "we" "can we ditch group today... and go on a date?" He asked, holy shit, a date, HELL YEAH  "uhm, yeah, sure, but what are we gonna do?" I asked, he didn't tell me, of course.

I told Caleb I was going to get changed, he nodded and left my room, I changed into a black and white striped crop top, blue jean shorts, I put on a necklace I got from my best friend, it was gold coloured and had a black and silver moon crest on it.
I walked out of my room, Caleb looked at me and smiled, we walked downstairs and I put my shoes on to match the outfit, they were black with white anchors all over them.

Caleb soon called a cab (UBER) and we waited for a bit talking about, well, I don't even know, once the cab arrived we hopped in and Caleb told the driver where to go... downtown, where the druggies are and all the hoes, kidding! No, no people like that are down there, some people in this city are nice, some... more and less than others.
We got out of the taxi and walked around, talking about all sorts of things, we laughed together and had such a great time, I think today is my most favourite day ever, it was beating the end of the day and we stopped to get ice cream, after we sat on a bench and looked out over the ocean as the sun started to set (a/n: yeah I put ocean, fckin fite me) after we got a cab back to my place, I kicked off my shoes and quickly ran up to change, I changed into a grey loose lace-ish cropped tank top and matching booty shorts (a/n: don't. Ask, idk what they're actually called, I'll put a picture and you can tell me in the comments - wait to the end) Caleb soon came up and I crawled into bed, nearly covering my head, Caleb walked in and lied down beside me as I fell asleep, I remember having a nightmare, and then someone's hands holding my face softly, then I heard Caleb's voice, singing? He can sing? It was so soft, soon I fell right back asleep.
I woke up and looked around and didn't see Caleb, a frown grew over my face, until I looked over, I saw a piece of paper, I picked it up and read what was written on it "hey Payton, I'll be at group, don't worry love, I'm still here" a smile crept on my face and I got up.

I took a shower and got changed, I threw on a white cropped t-shirt and a blue jean overall thingy, I put my hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs, my dad was sitting at the table "Payton, where were you last night" he growled "w-with Caleb" "if I see him here again, you'll be hurt, more than before" he growled, I nodded, with a tear slipping down my face, I grabbed an apple from the fridge and slipped on my white sneakers ((a/n: idk the name of these ones)) i then stepped outside, I didn't live far from the group building so I decided to walk, I was a little late but that's fine
"Ah, and there she is, the wonderful Payton Meyers" Mr. Densey said sarcastically (a/n: I don't remember if I gave her a last name so that's her new last name)  I rolled my eyes and sat down, right beside Caleb "now Payton, would you like to explain to the group why you haven't been here for nearly a week?" Mr. Densey asked, I groaned and stood up "I haven't been here for a week because my life is fucked up and I tried killing myself, by jumping off a fucking bridge... and also I haven't been here because my brother got into a crash and died.." I said, choking back tears and sat down "and Caleb, would you like to explain why you haven't been here?" I heard Caleb stand up and felt his gaze fall upon me, I didn't look at him "I wasn't here because I'm the one that saved Payton, and so I stayed with her to comfort her and be there for her, unlike someone in her life that should have been" Caleb said and sat down, after a bit group started, it's the same old thing everyday, telling us to not kill our selves and things will get better, I swear some of the other kids actually listen and believe this crap. Soon it was over and by soon I mean like... 4 hours, but I'm glad I'm out, I don't have to listen to his crap anymore, group is over for good and now tomorrow I go back to the place it all began, well didn't begin but, whatever "Payton, wanna go to the park?" Caleb asked with a hopeful tone "I uhm, yeah sure, just, let me text my dad" I said, he nodded and I pulled out my phone

I'm not going to be home for a while, I'll be home possibly around midnight

Lame excuse of a father
Are you going to be with that Caleb boy?

No, I'm hanging out with Bechie, I haven't seen her since.. yeah. (A/n: pronunciation: Becky)

Lame excuse of a father

I shut my phone off and nodded at Caleb, we walked down to the park and sat on a bench, then, out of NOWHERE a gust of wind comes in and makes me shiver all over, luckily, Caleb had a jacket "need my jacket?" He offered, I shook my head "I insist, you're shaking all over" he said giving me his jacket, holy mother of doughnuts is this jacket soft, it was leather on the outside but so cozy with fluffed inners, it was the best thing ever

I took it off later and gave it back to Caleb, we stayed sitting on the bench and talked about the most random things, Caleb looked at me and I looked him, we stared into each other's eyes, not gonna lie, i blushed a bit, he placed his hands on either side of my face and caressed my cheeks with his thumbs, then, leaned in and pressed out lips together, I'm sure he's the one, sparks were going off everywhere like crazy, it was the best feeling ever, soon he pulled back "Payton" he said "yeah?" "Who was your first kiss" he asked, I just smiled "the person that's been by my side for nearly 2 months now" after I said that he smiled and pulled me closer, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck and his arms on my waist, just like the first time we had kissed, I wrapped my legs around him since we were still sitting and he kissed me again, I love these moments, I honestly feel happy with him, for the first time in a year I'm happy, well... somewhat happy....

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