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People think depression is sadness, crying or dressing in black. But people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb

I couldn't help but notice Caleb staring at me

Does he like me?

I just sat there and tapped my pencil on the desk "CALEB!" I heard Mr. Densey yell, making me jump slightly, after that what went on was a little blurry. But I didn't care. I just wanted to leave.

After about 3 hours we were finally released and I was walking with Caleb back to his house

I might as well fucking move in if I'm not going back to my own house.. or hell

My phone goes off "hello?" I said a bit quiet. I just stood there waiting for a response. Then I heard my dad yelling and rambling. I tried staying calm "uhm yes I'll be there I'm sorry" my voice trembled a bit he yelled again "okay... bye...." I was about to say something I've never said before but he hung up before I could.

Why do I have to be such a fuck up..

A tear slips down my cheek and Caleb walks over to me and whipes it away, I "fall" into his arms, but really, I just need a long hug right now. Caleb stumbled a little bit but then soon regained balance "hey hey Payton what's wrong" Caleb said softly, I didn't speak, I just stayed there, sniffling and quietly sobbing "look you don't have to tell me now just know that I'm here to talk to okay sweetheart"

Ok, he likes me for sure

I looked up at him, a bit shaky, my eyes were puffy and red from crying, we stared into each others eyes, his eyes were a beautiful amber color, soon I stop shaking and remember I have to get home "I have to go" i choked on my words "why? Can't you stay?" Caleb asked in a sad tone "no.. I wish I could.. and uhm... thanks for the clothes...." I said, Caleb nodded and I ran the direction of my house

I'm not going home...

I can't...

I'll just kill myself

I know! I'll jump off the bridge near Waterton way!

I ran to the bridge. I don't care anymore. My dad won't care, no one will...

I put all my stuff on the ground [I.E: backpack, phone, pencils, books, etc] and stood on the edge of the bridge....

I heard yelling coming from behind


I turned around a little just to see who it was "Payton! Get down from there!" Dad yelled, tears stared streaming down my face "no! You've treated me so horribly! I'm sick of it! You cause me to cut and think unthinkable things! I already tried killing myself before and I don't plan on failing this time!" I cried, my dad stepped closer "calm down Payton, just come down from there" my dad said "no! You've made my life a living hell! That's how I ended up in that dump of a place! And guess what! I like someone! And that someone is Caleb!" I yelled

Damn. Yelling back at my dad feels great...

"Payton just calm down and come here" dad moved his hand outwards...

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