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Then suddenly, that Jungkook came towards Mira again. I can see him smirking. If this guy does something bad to Mira I swear I will not forgive him.

"Meet me at the rooftop after class. You need to show up or else you're dead. Don't bring anyone understood?" he said to Mira.

Hmmm . I wonder what he's gonna do. I need to know. Mira is my friend now, I need to protect her.

Ah I know what to do. You need to follow Mira secretly to the rooftop and make sure that Jungkook won't do anything to her.



"Meet me at the rooftop after class. You need to show up or else you're dead. Don't bring anyone understood?" He said to me.

I know exactly what he's gonna do. Threatening, saying that he's gonna make my life a living hell. I wonder why he's doing this.

Then the bell suddenly rang signaling break time so me and Yoora went to the canteen.

"What do you wanna eat?" Yoora said

"Maybe just sandwich?" I said. "I'm not that hungry" I added.

"Well me too" She said so we just ended up buying sandwich and water.

We talk about each other so we would get to know each other better.

"So tell me something about your life." I said.

"Well at first, we're a happy family. We live peacefully until my dad died. He was hitted by a car and the doctors said that the baddest of the baddest news ever. That my dad died." She said teary eyed.

"Oh I'm so sorry, you don't need to continue." I said.

I'm really sorry for her. Like you know, a life without a dad? It's really hard.

"No it's okay. I'll continue. After my dad died, our life become a hell. I become depressed. Not eating , just locking myself in my room. But I got over that with the help of my mom. She's very supportive to me. She always shows her caring and happy side but I know deep inside her is very sad. She wants me to live like a happy and normal teenager even without my dad so I'm trying to hide my sadness when I'm around her so she won't worry. But I admit, it's really hard for me to live without my dad. I love him so much and then that stupid driver who hit my dad came and ruin everything. That stupid driver took my happiness." We got interrupted when the bell rang. So we head to our second class. I forgot to tell you that we all have same classes.


I told my story to my friend. Soon to be best friend I think. The bell rang so we two headed to our second class which is English.

I focused on what the teacher is discussing so I won't get bad grades and make my mom upset. I want to make her happy and proud to me.

"So yeah that's how it works. Class, the first lesson is done even though it's yet time so you're all dismissed." The teacher said. So we headed to canteen for us to have our lunch.


As I said earlier, I followed Mira to the rooftop. There, I saw Jungkook and Mira.

She looks really scared.

"I think you know what I'm gonna say. I'll make you're life a living hell. And I will make sure that it's worse than last school year." Jungkook said

"Why do you even have to do this. What have I done wrong?" Mira said.

"You've done nothing wrong baby" he said and smirked.

"Don't call me 'BABY' I'm not one of your toys!" Mira shouted.

"So you're fighting back now huh?!?!" Jungkook said and grad a stone. He was supposed to hit Mira with that freaking stone when,

"STOP!" I shouted on top of my lungs.



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