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Standing among the green leaves
Of the scented pink lilies,
Below the violet sky
that seems so empty yet so full
of the clouds that hover above me,
I often wonder
that what am I to you.

Am I the sound of the rustling petals
of the cherry blossom tree
during spring,
Or am I the twinkle of the stars
studded in the dark sky
The same twinkle that appears in my eyes,
When I perceive you standing next to me.

Am I the roots of a big tree to you,
the same roots that keep it firm,
And rooted to the ground
Or am I the chilled raindrops
that appear on my windows,
And stain the pages of my books,
Bookmarked with your photos.

Am I a flicker of hope to you,
Or a lost fire
Am I the winter snow to you,
Or just an old desire.
Am I the earthen holy soil to you,
Or the barren desert sand
Am I a butterfly to you,
Or the shattered cocoon, from which it broke through.
Am I a gentle breeze to you,
Or the silent storm
A light source for you,
Or just a burning lamp?

Standing here I wonder,
That do I even worm my way into your mind,
Just like you have lived in mine.
That do you ever think of me
As a river or mere thunder.

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