The snow storm 7

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Alec suddenly felt something soft brushing against his own lips. Something was exploding inside of him, a sudden craving. At first he was tensed but relaxed as he understood what was going on. Magnus was kissing him. Their lips moved together for minutes. Tasting each other. It was amazing how their lips felt so good together. It was magical. His stomach was taking front flips like his mind. He had no idea how much he wanted this until it actually happened. After a time that felt like forever with this type of kissing, Magnus parted and licked over Alec's lower lip.

"What was that for?" Alec asked when their lips parted. Magnus leaned back and looked even more shocked about it than Alec was.

"I-I don't know. I'll go to check if I can fix the electricity. It's fucking cold in here," Magnus said grabbing his sketchpad, and left into the only room Alec hadn't seen in this small house yet. He closed the door with a loud slam. Alec leaned back in the couch, thinking. The fact that he was ill clouded his thoughts, though the pain killers helped. Did Magnus really kiss him? Just like that? And then leaving him and disappearing into another room. The taste of Magnus' lips lingered on Alec's lips, and he lied if he said he didn't like it. He really enjoyed it, if he should be completely honest. Magnus made him feel like walking on clouds. The hazel eyed man licked over his kiss-swollen lips and raised up from the couch not knowing where to go.


The wind outside was howling, and it was impossible to see out the snow covered window. Magnus sat inside his painting room and looked from his sketchpad to the window and back to the sketchpad. This room was his favorite. It was like his dairy room. He painted and drew everything he felt here, and right now He was continuing on the drawing of Alec. Working on his lips. They felt so right against his own, he wanted to try them out again. But Magnus was a lone wolf, he didn't need anyone to kiss him. He likes it as it was; just him and his pencils.

"Magnus?" He heard Alec said, as the door opened. Magnus snatched up from the chair turning around and looking intense at Alec.

"You're not allowed to be here," he snapped and raised up to get Alec out of here. He didn't want Alec to see the walls, covered in paintings of his mother, of his feelings.

"I-I'm Sorry, I just-" Alec stuttered as Magnus came closer.

"This is my private room, just stay outside, Okay?" Magnus said and tried to calm his voice a bit in the end. He could hear how he hissed at Alec, but he didn't like people coming into his room like that. Alec nodded and turned around to leave. But as he stepped outside the door frame, Magnus reached out.

"W-wait," Magnus said and grabbed Alec's bicep. He closed the door behind himself and looked up at the hazel eyes.  The moment felt so intimate. Them, staring at each other's with the sound of the fireplace and the storm outside. Magnus' gaze flickered between Alec's lips and eyes.
Alec gazed at him, waiting for Magnus to say something. But what was he supposed to say?

"Nothing I'll just..." Magnus let go of Alec's arm and turned around to go inside of the room again. "Tell me if you need anything," he said before he closed the door gently behind himself.

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