The snow storm 22

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"I'd never expected being stuck in a snowstorm would be this satisfying," Alec grinned just before both cracked up in laughter.

"You're so cheesy when you're horny," Magnus chuckled and buried his face in Alec's neck. It didn't take long before Magnus started kissing at the spot, sucking a dark hickey this time not a place where clothes would normally cover. Right now, Alec was his.
Alec's chuckles blended into moans as he felt Magnus's mouth at one of his most sensitive spots, sucking hard while twisting his tongue at the spot. He let his head fall a bit to the side as it happened before Magnus shifted, starting to kiss on his collarbone. Alec took the chance when he was shifting to take off his own boxers, finally their members staining together. Both moaned, Magnus's muffled by Alec's skin. The skin-to-skin contact was euphoric.

"Lube," Alec groaned. He couldn't wait any longer. He was already close from all the grinding. He was also scared of Magnus's reaction about Alec's body; he didn't like attention on his body. Magnus seemed to be satisfied though when he opened the shuffle and took out lube and condoms from a little box.

"You got lube and condoms, here? In this place?" Alec asked almost a little shocked. He didn't really think  about how lonely it must be here.

"Everyone has that, now shut up. Foreplay?" Magnus groaned and opened the lube with a clicking sound. Alec could only nod eagerly. His skin was burning, tinkling everywhere Magnus's fingers touched, and he was sweaty.

All air was knocked out of him as he felt (finally) Magnus's fingers circling playfully around his entrance. "Mags," he groaned and looked up to check what Magnus was doing. He didn't have strength to look up for long before his head fell down on the pillow and he was already a panting and moaning mess as Magnus's slender finger slowly entered him. Very slowly.
Magnus looked at Alec's tense face. His teeth was grinding and his eyes tightly shut.

"How long is it since you were bottom?" He asked and stopped his movement for some second.

"I don't remember, but I use to do this when- you know," Alec turned his head to the side, his face flushing bright red.

"Jerking off?"  Magnus grinned and was rewarded by a nod and beautiful imagines in his head. His cock twitches at the thought before he continued to push.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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