The snow storm 12

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This chapter is Magnus' POV as they're playing the Top 3 game. I will try to control myself but I can't promise anything:)
"We can start easy," Magnus suggested and shifted a bit in the couch to find a more comfortable position. "Top three favorite foods," he smiled, trying to seem nice. He didn't want to be nice though, but there was something special with Alexander. After his mother toke suicide he'd moved to this little house in nowhere-land and didn't like people in general. He found other humans uncomfortable and weird. He had a cat but it got lost once and Chairman never came back. His last love had been a blondie bitch named Camille. She'd been the only one he trusted after his mother died because he'd known her since middle school. She thought he was too much and moved back to the city. Still, something with Alec made him want to stay. Talk. Have fun.

"Okay. I love my grandma's stew. Also I love Taco-I mean, who doesn't- and... chicken maybe," Alec shrugged and looked down at his own hands. Magnus smiled mentally; Alec was so adorable.

"Taco is disgusting," Magnus teased- he didn't really find it disgusting, he just wanted to make Alec's stiff shoulders a bit more relaxed. This little game was just for fun. "Okay your turn to ask me."

"Top 3..." his voice trailed off while he was thinking. Magnus noticed how Alec scratched the back of his neck before he continued. "Colors," he said and looked back up at Magnus.

"Easy; gold, black and... hazel," Magnus bit his lip not to smirk too hard. Alec flushed to a dark red and once again looked down. 'Hazel' sounded like Magnus was trying too hard to flirt. When Magnus got tired he always said things he'd totally regret the next day, like this. And to be honest; he had have a few drinks in his room, not enough to be drunk, but maybe a little tipsy. He didn't regret it yet though.

When he looked at Alec's face, it seemed like the man was freaking out inside. His head tilted down, dark red cheeks and ears, and biting his bottom lip. He was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt too.

"Top three celebrities. Like, who's the hottest," Magnus smirked seeing the man blush even more.

"Um.. celebrities? I don't know many I-" Magnus' heart skipped a beat when Alec looked up trough his thick lashes and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh come on. It's not that hard. Take three actors, or singers,"

It felt like when Magnus was young and he snuck out of his house to be with friends and play this game. When he'd played with Camille and her friends and they'd made him answer the most embarrassing questions while he was drunk.

"Well... the guy in Maroon 5 maybe-"

"Adam Levine? Oh dear," Magnus couldn't see why Alec found him attractive. Maybe Alec had a thing for tattoos; Magnus had seen a few tattoos on Alec's body.

"Yeah. No, maybe I don't know," finally Alec looked up and his eyes Magnus'. It took a while for Magnus before Alec answered the two last ones; they weren't really Magnus' type though.

"Okay.. um, top three things you find attractive about partners," Alec pressed out. Their gazes hadn't separated for a second after Magnus first had caught it.

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