Chapter 6: Preperation

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~ 4 months into the pregnancy~

"Jiminnn" I called from the bathroom.
He quickly rushed up to me.
"Yes, (y/n)?" He looked exhausted.
I just giggled and pointed to the cupboard.
He sighed and grabbed toilet paper and handed it to me.
I smiled sweetly and thanked him.

-2 hours later-

Jiyong was due to come over any minute.
Jimin was excited to see him, again.
He always was, he loved seeing Jiyong.
"Jimin, you know he isnt gay, fuck, hes even the father of my demon"
I looked at him.
Jimin glared back, "you mean angel"
I giggled at him and we heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!!" I yelled, from the couch.
Jiyong quickly came in and shut the door, running to me hugging me tightly.
"Ugh, babe I missed you!!" He sighed.
"Its been literally one day"
"But I missed youuuu" he whined.
I laughed at the man and kissed him.
Jimin grabbed him and gave him a "bro hug".
We soon all sat down, Jiyong holding my thigh, and began watching a movie.
Jimin fell asleep soon, Jiyong and I laughing at him.
We finished the movie and Jiyong yawned.
"Tired baby?" I giggled.
He looked at me and laughed.
"A little" he patted my leg then got up and turned the TV off.
I smiled to him and got up, he put his arm around me and we walked upstairs to my room.
I went to the bathroom and changed while he laid down .
I come out soon after and lay beside him, cuddling up to him.
I kissed his cheek then cuddled back to hus chest.
"Baby.." He spoke softly.
"Yeah?" I replied not looking up.
"Have you thought of baby names yet?"
I was a little shocked.
"U-uh n-no" I replied.
"I have, a lot. How does Jonghyun or Brian (Day6 joke lolol) sound?"
"I like Jonghyun, good name baby, I miss him.." I said soft.
He pulled me closer.
"I know baby"
He kissed my head and I soon fell asleep.
Still cuddling him tightly.


I woke up around 9am running to bathroom, again.
"Goddamn morning sickness" I said in my head.
I threw up, wiped myself off.
Then went downstairs.
Jiyong and Jimin were talking and making breakfast.
I sweetly walked to Jiyong and hugged him and kissed him.
"Ewwwwww" Jimin yelled.
We giggled and I hugged Jimin.
Taking a piece of bacon i walk back over to the couch.
I turn on the TV and start watching some show.
Soon after breakfast was ready, I knew because Jiyong brought me a plate.
I kissed him and thanked him then began eating.


Jiyong and I had gone to the park, we were sitting on the swings laughing and talking for almost 3 hours.
"I love this" he said suddenly.
"Love what?" I was a bit confused.
"You. Me. Us. This." he looked at me.
I giggled. "me too baby, me too"
He smiled at me.
I get up and grab his hand, pulling him to the playground.
He laughed and watched me slide down the slide.
"Weeee" I screamed childishly.
He laughed harder and slid down after me.
I met him at the bottom and kissed him.
"I love you" he said after.
i rubbed my tummy softly, and looked down.
I hadnt felt a kick all day.
"Im worried Jiyong, I havent felt him kick all day"
"Hes okay. I know it" he reassured me.
Then, I felt a kick, very hard, and for the rest of the day he was kicking.
(Idk when you feel babies kickin but ye lol)


Short chapter, sorry about that. But I havent updated in a million years, and im sorry about that too!! If you have name suggestions for the baby then comment. Haha. I cant think of many.
Anyway, till next time ❤


The boy next door ||KJY(GD)||☑Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant