Chapter 10: Not okay

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It was around 10am when I finally woke up.
Last night was tiring.
Jiyong was.. Needy.
I decided to head downstairs, after about 20 minutes.
I wad met by the smell of fresh waffles and syrup.
I reach the kitchen and found Jimin, Yoongi, id assume, and Jiyong all talking.
"Hey guys" I said, interrupting their conversation.
Jiyong turned and hugged me.
"Morning sleepy head, I made some waffles for you" then he kissed me.
"Thank you hun" I smiled.
He just smiled back then the guys went to the living room.
I grab a waffle then go with them.
They were talking about nonsense.
Normally Jiyong and Jimin would do that.
I just let them talk while I watched a kdrama.

~3 hours later~

Jimin and Yoongi have gone to the mall to buy some new clothes.
Jiyong went home to clean, and do laundry.
And I was home alone.
I was a little depressed still from the miscarriage.
I decided to take a nap.
On my way to the room I got an urge to hurt myself.
Brush in it off, I went to my room and laid down.
I let out a sigh and then closed my eyes.
Slowly drifting off to sleep.

I was awoken by the sound of drunk laughter.
"What the fuck?" I opened my eyes.
I heard the laughs coming closer.
It sounded like Jimin and Yoongi.
"Yah! What the fuck!?" I walk out of the room and find the drunken boys.
They started laughing at me.
"Shut the hell up" I snap.
They laugh even harder at my anger.
I let out a sigh then hit Jimin.
"Ouch! What the hell?!" He looked at me rubbing his arm.
"H-hey you d-dont hit my j-j-jiminie!" Drunken Yoongi managed to say.
I just shook my head, rolling my eyes.
Then pushing then into the room.
"No funny business you two"
"yeah, yeah" Jimin waves his arm lazily at me.
"Dont test me boy. I will sit and watch you two" I snap back.
Jimin rolled his eyes and they stumbled to the bed.
Falling practically on top of each other.
I laughed as they very quickly fell asleep.
I grabbed 4 asprin and put them on Jimin's night stand.
For them drunk idiots to have in the morning.
I then move them so I can cover them up.
Making my way downstairs for a glass of water after.
I grab my water then head back upstairs.
I check on the two drunken boys and find them cuddling but asleep.
I giggle then walk back to my room.
Jumping onto the bed and falling asleep quickly.


I was woken up by Jiyong screaming and shaking me.
He was crying uncontrollably as well.
I couldn't make out his words.
I grab him then hug him.
"Baby. what's wrong?" I keep holding him.
"J-jimin" he starts sobbing harder.
Im now worried.
"Jimin? Wat about him?" I say more worried now. 
"He-he-hes d-dead" he sobs even harder.
I  froze, unable to move, I feel the tears begin to stream down my cheeks.
Jiyong just sits there crying, he tries to hug me, but im still frozen.
"...W-what did you s-say?" I can finally talk.
Jiyong just cries even more.
"I-im so s-sorry y-y/n" He hugs me tightly.
I get up with tears still streaming down my cheeks rapidly.
I collapse, and uncontrollably sob.
"WHY JIMIN!? WHY!!?????" I scream while sobbing on the ground.
Jiyong jumps and holds me to comfort me.
I cry even more.
Holding my knees to my chest.
ive known him for so long, why does he have to go now!? My fucking childhood best friend. We made it to 24 together, why now!?
I thought to myself, screamed at myself.
I begin to hit myself.
Jiyong stops me, "Y/N STOP PLEASE" he says through tears.
He holds my arms down and comforts me.

~3 hours later

"H-how do you know?" I look to Jiyong.
My eyes are so puffy, so red.
"I was at the hospital with him. Him and Yoongi went out around 5am. They were still drunk from what Yoongi told me. They went to go but more alcohol. They wanted to have fun. Yoongi didnt worry about driving drunk. He let it happen. Only because he was still kinda drunk. If he knew what was happening he wouldn't have let it happen! After that... They were on the road and Jimin swerved into on-coming traffic and they were hit head on by a 18 wheeler. Jimin died on impact, from what police said. Yoongi is severely injured, broken back, two broken legs, and lots of cuts and bruises. I rushed to the scene, as soon as they called-" I cut him off.
"Why did they call you? And not me?! Im HIS FUCKING BEST FRIEND FOR FUCKS SAKE" I scream with tears now on my cheeks, again.
"You left your phone at my house" he replied bluntly.
"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK I FUCKING HATE MYSELF" I scream while falling down into a ball.
Tears staining my cheeks even more.
He fell down and comforted me.
I lay down and cry on the floor.
Limp, unable to move, shocked.
"This is my fault" I spoke softly.
"No. No no no no.  None of this is your fault, you didnt do this" he tried to reassure me.
"Yes. it is. I let them go out and get drunk. I let them" I cried more now.
"No, its not your fault babygirl. hush" he rubbed the back of my head and hugged me.
"Please never leave me Jiyong, please.. Please, never leave" I pleaded to him.
"Don't worry, I won't. Ever" he reassured me and held me close.
He kissed my head then held me more as I cried.
"I love you" he said softly. 
I couldn't reply, I was crying to much.
I sniffed a little then cried more.

~two weeks after Jimin's passing~

Today is the day of his funeral.
I got up lazily and Jiyong helped me get dressed.
After making me shower of course.
I hadn't showered in 4 days, I cant do anything on my own.
Ever since Jimin's death, Im to weak.
I havent eaten in almost 2 weeks.
I can't get over him. 
He was my best friend, my only friend.
Jiyong helped me out to the car and we went to the funeral home.
Walking inside, I seen his casket.
Staring at the closed casket, and seeing his photo, I fell onto my knees.
"Jimin... Why..." I said as I cried more.
People ran over to comfort me. I eventually stopped crying and walked to sit.
After the service, I had watched him getting lowered into the grave.
I held back from breaking down again, and Jiyong knew, he knew I was close to a break down.
He hugged me, keeping me from seeing any further burial.
We walked away, so I wouldn't cause a scene.
"I love you Jiyong" I spoke softly as we reached the car.
"I love you to-"
"No. I fucking love you. More than anyone can ever know baby. More than I love anything else. Youve helped me through a lot. been through so much with me. Jimin was everything to me.. And youre helping me through this. I love you"
He looked at me shocked.
That was the most id spoken since his death.
"I love you more than words can describe y/n don't ever forget" he spoke softly to me. Holding my hand.
We bevan to drive.
Reaching home within 2 hours.
We went inside and sat.
Just sitting.
For 6 hours.


Sorry for the sudden death of Jimin, I have decided to take a different route than planned before hand. I really hope its not to boring. be prepared for at least 1 more death soon 😈
Love y'all ❤


The boy next door ||KJY(GD)||☑Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt