Chapter 19: Soon...

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Sitting on the couch with Yoonmin and Jiyong was really a routine.
But today, I have been sick all morning.
Its about two days after our honeymoon as well.
I just brush off the sickness as having eaten something bad.
I go back to the couch and sit with them.
We chill got about 2 hours, then hear a knock.
"That must be Jungkook!!" I say happily.
"Whos Jungkook?" He snaps.
"A friend babe, dont worry" I smile and kiss him, then going to open the door.
I opened it and am attacked into a hug by Jungkook.
"YAH~ Y/N I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" he yelled pulling out of the hug.
I laugh a little, "I MISSED YOU TOO KOOKIE" we hug again then I invite him in.
"Jiyong, this is Jungkook, a long time friend, Jungkook, this is Jiyong, my husband"I smile.
He looks at me with a little shock.
"H-husband?" He chokes out.
"Yep!" Jiyong blurts out, obviously proud.
Jung kook swallows hard and then congratulates us.
I thank him and we all sit.
"Can I get you anything?" I asked and Jungkook asked for water.
Jiyong just shook his head.
I nod and then go to fetch Jungkooks water.
I bring it back and then plop down between the boys.
Jiyong quickly wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer.
I roll my eyes then we all start to chat.
"Yah! I got a girlfriend~" Jungkooks said excitedly.
"Really?!" I say looking at him with a smile.
"Yup!!!" He smiles wider.
"Her name is Kim Jihyun, she's do beautiful, and sweet" he spoke soft.
I smiled and congratulate him.
Jiyong talks with us for a few hours as well.
"Well, I think Kook should be going, it's late" Jiyong spoke, peeking at his phone.
I nodded and showed Jungkook to the door.
We hugged and kissed one another's cheeks then he left.
Jiyong and I heading to our room to sleep.


We woke up around 9am.
Hearing loud beeps and big vehicles outside.
"Goddamnit, what they fuck!?" Jiyong yelled looking out the window.
"The fucking road isn't broken you dumb fucks" he cursed.
I pulled him back to the bed and kissed him.
"Baby, don't stress it, it's okay" I said then kissing him again.
We go down to the kitchen and I make breakfast.
Bringing him some food along with mine.
I feed Yoonmin and then Jiyong and I go out for a while walk, our normal routine.
We walk our normal route, walking Yoonmin to the river, as normal, and just enjoying Being together.
We stop at a large tree and I think it's the right time to tell him... I'm pregnant
I stop him, looking at the view.
I give him a little kiss then take a deep breath.
"J-jiyong..." I say softly.
He looks to me, "yes?"
I take a deep breath once again.
"I-im... I'm pregnant" I say quick, but nervously.
He has a shocked look, frozen.
He then hugs me tightly, "REALLY?!!!!????" He yells putting me down.
I nod, reassuring him.
He smiled widely, pulling me close into a hug.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, are we prepared? Can we gather enough for the baby? What room will they sleep in? Will they sleep with u-" I cut his question-rant off with a kiss.
"Shh, it's okay baby" I hug him.
He pulls away and looks at my tummy, rubbing it, smiling.
"Im gonna be a father" he says, just loud enough for me to hear.
I smiled widely and we continue to walk.

~5 days later~

I was already about 4 weeks into my pregnancy.
We had already been preparing for the baby, getting their room ready, buying unisex tiny bottles, and doing all we could right now.
We had already bought a crib and everything, obviously in black because that's our favorite colour.
We finish up the room quickly, it has taken all week for this.
Soon enough this room will have our baby in the crib, our baby playing in this room, our baby in this room.
I smile wide seeing our progress of the room.
I let out a sigh of relief and hug Jiyong.


I'm so sorry for not updating!!! I will try my best to update more the next few days. This ff is coming to an end, soon, I have worked hard on it.. It makes me a little sad to end it, but I have to. I might make a second book, maybe. Anyway, I love y'all, and I hope you're healthy!!!


The boy next door ||KJY(GD)||☑Where stories live. Discover now