Chapter 17: Reception

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~4 months after GD proposed~
•Y/N P.O.V.•

Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day of our wedding.
I've gotten everything prepped and ready.
I cam barely sleep.
I need to sleep!
Lay in down, I close my eyes and feel Jiyong wrap his around me.
I smile and then quickly fall asleep.


I wake up to Jiyong bringing me breakfast once again.
I smile wide and then thank him with a kiss.
He lays down with Yoonmin and plays a little.
Yoonmin has gotten so big.
Almost as tall as Jiyong when he stands!!
He's a huge dog.
Anyway, after eating breakfast and doing our morning routines we headed down to the chapel.
Separately, we got into cars and headed over.
We couldnt see each other again until the ceremony.
We kissed one last time before heading there.
Upon arrival im lead back to the room with my dress and everything to do my makeup and hair.
I look at my dress and smile.
Our theme was black and blue, so I had gotten a black dress.
We both thought white theme was clichè.
I smile and sit in front of the vanity so we can start my makeup.
After about two hours my makeup is finally done.
She had done a black and blue smokey eye with a wing.
I loved it.
But I couldn't cry, it'd smear.
After that, I grab my dress and the ladies help me into it.
I thank them and then wait for a bit.
Its almost time for the ceremony.
My father and mother have flown here, to korea, just for me.
I smile at my dad and giggle shyly when he gasps at the site of me.
He begins to cry a little and then hugs me.
"My little girl is all grown up..." He says looking at me again.
I giggle again and smile.
"I sure have daddy, thank you" I kiss his cheek.
He smiles with tearful eyes and then we link arms.
Making our way to the end of the isle.
Jiyong sees me, and gasps, covering his face with his hands.
He almost is in tears.
I smile at the thought of my soon-to-be-husband being so excited.
Finally we reach the end and my dad kisses my cheek.
I kiss his back and then grab Jiyong's hands.
The priest starts the ceremony and we say all nessacary things and then our vows.
The flower girl, my little sister, and the ring bearer, obviously Yoonmin, come down the isle.
I smile as they reach us and she walks to the side.
Yoonmin reaching us then letting Jiyong and I grab the rings.
"Jiyong, do you take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife, to hold and to cherish, to care for through good and through bad?" The priest asked Jiyong.
He smiled wide, "I do" he slid the right g on my finger.
"And y/n, do you take Jiyong to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish, to care for through goof and through bad?" He looks at me.
I smile and hold back tears.
"I do" I slide the ring onto his finger.
"You may now kiss the bride" he says with a smile and we kiss.
Everyone stands up clapping and we look around, tearfully, smiling so wide at how far we've come.
I begin to cry once Jiyong and i leave the alter.
"Whats wrong babygirl?" He asks me, seeing me crying.
"I-i miss Jimin... I wanted him to be here, I wanted him to see us get married, I wanted him to see us have children, and be a part of our family" I sob even harder through my words.
He hugs me close.
"Dont worry princess, he can see us from above, he is smiling, proud of how far we've come. he would be so proud baby, its okay" he holds me close to his chest and kisses my forehead.
"Thank you baby" I say hugging him back.

~next day~
Sorry no smut ):

I was woken up to Jiyong yelling and hearing Yoonmin barking.
I run down to see whats going on and find Jiyong holding Ji, she seems limp.
He's shaking her.
"JI WAKE UP, JI!!! JI, PLEASE WAKE UP COME ON JI WAKE UP!!!!" I hear him yelling with teary eyes.
Yoonmin is barking, knowing something was up with Ji.
Jiyong turns to me crying, holding Ji.
"Y-y/n, Ji, she isnt moving!!" He says crying and pulling Ji closer.
"Jiyong, she was old, it was sher time" I try to reassure him.
He nods and is still crying.
He kisses Ji's head and looks at me.
"I'm sorry baby, it was bound to happen" I say hugging him.
"I know.. But it was to soon" he says hugging me back.
I grab Ji's favorite blanket and wrap her body in it.
We place her in a box with some of her toys and then go to bury her.


After burying her, we went inside to chill for a bit.
We watched a few movies and then went to the park.
We went to the park a lot.
It was always fun.
Yoonmin was such a good dog, we could let him walk with no leash.
He stayed right with us.
Jiyong was still so sad about Ji, I was too, but not all that sad.
It was bound to happen.
"we still have many years to come with Yoonmin, dont worry hun" I reassure him.
Squeezing his hand a little.
He looks at me and weakly smiles.
I kiss his cheek and smile.
We look up to find ourselves in a forest.
I hear a low-pressure river.
I look at Yoonmin who is already making his way to it.
I giggle a bit, then Jiyong and I follow.
We find Yoonmin already in the river playing around.
He caught a fish and ate it.
"No! No, no, no!! Dont eat that fish you-" Jiyong tries to stop him but he eats it to fast.
We giggled a bit and tell him to come here.
He listens and shakes off right beside us.
"Oh thanks" I sarcastically and look at Yoonmin.
He pants and licks himself a little.
I laugh and put his leash on him.

~back home~

Once were home we turn on some music.
Dancing and singing like weirdos.
We giggle at each others weirdness.


Sorry for not updating the past two days guys, ive been a little busy. I had family friends over yesterday, i will try to update more after today, I'm sorry if im unable to do that.
Anyway, I love you guys stay healthy 💛

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