Chapter 20: Gender reveal!

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~5 months into pregnancy~

"Baby, don't forget to buy the balloons and streamers for the gender reveal" I call to Jiyong from the couch.
"I know honey" he called back from the kitchen.
He was making me a sandwich, since im pregnant he does everything for me hehe.
He brings me my sandwich and hands me it.
I look and then hand it back.
"Its cut wrong. I cant eat that" I complain.
He rolls his eyes and takes it.
"Fine. I'll eat it!" He is irritated with me already.
I giggle to myself once he leaves and then sit up.
Changing the channel he comes back with my sandwich.
"Good job baby~" I tease, see I ng her cut it tight this time.
He rolls his eyes again then sits to eat his.
I smile at him and eat my sandwich.
Leaning to the side on the arm rest toward him.
He is still annoyed with me.
"You did this to me! You cant complain" I say as he ignores me.
He ignores me more and I chuckle.
Changing the channel once more to the news.
I mostly ignore it and then something interesting happened.
"Two people were found stabbed to death on the 22nd floor of an hotel last night"
I sit up and listen as they tell more details.
"Holy shit" I hear faintly from Jiyong.
I giggle and listen more.
"Woah, that's fucking cool!" I say as they move to the next story.
"No its not!! Two people fucking died y/n" he protested.
"Yah, I know, but i like murder mystery things~"
He just scoffs and takes my plate along with his to the kitchen.
"Yah! Baby~ we need to prepare for tomorrow" I yell while getting up.
"Youre right, ill start to put up streamers and shit, you go pick up the cake. I'll do everything here while you're gone" he tells me while he comes back.
I agree and then grab my things and head to the cake shop.
I arrive shortly and pick up the cake.
I thank the baker and he offers to bring it out for me, I agree and he does such.
I thank him once more then go back home.
Making Jiyong grab it from the car once I got back.
he does such and I got inside to put up table cloths and finish up with some balloons.
"we can finish with the balloons tomorrow, so they dont deflate over night" Jiyong tells me pulling me to him.
I smile and kiss him, "okay baby"
We walk to our room and then lay down, falling asleep quick.


I woke up after Jiyong for once, he was prepared.
I run to the bathroom to throw up and find him already there with a towel to wipe my face.
I smile shyly and wipe my mouth after.
He just kisses my cheek and we go down stairs.
I pull out the cake and set it on the table, putting more decorations around it and blowing up more balloons.
"aish, this wasnt so bad to set up" I say looking around.
Jiyong shoots me a glare, "yah, that's because you did barely anything prego"
I giggled and smacked his arm.
He smikes and hugs me while we look at the set up.
"Its amazing baby" I kiss him on the cheek and smile.
"I tried my best"
We look around at the light pink and blue streamers and balloons then sit on the couch, waiting for guests to arrive.

~3 hours later~

After lounging around for about 3 hours we hear a knock.
Going to answer it, Jiyong slips and falls, making me laugh hard.
He gets up and we answer the door.
"Kookie~!!" I say and hug Jungkook.
"Coconut head" I hear Jiyong mumble as I hugged Jungkook.
I smack his arm and bring Jungkook in.
More guests arrive soon after mostly long time friends of Jiyong and I's.
Not much family came, considering they lived mostly in America.
We all chatted and listened to music.
I played a lot of Pentagon, BTS, and EXO since I loved them so much.
Soon the time for the reveal came.
Jiyong and I gathered everyone around the cake and we grab the knife together.
Placing it over the cake pushing it down slowly people held balloons of either pink or blue.
Indicating their guesses of the gender.
We cut the cake finally and pull the piece up, revealing a pink and blue checker cake.
Everyone makes an "awe" sound disappointedly making us laugh.
Then we walk to some black balloons in the corner, popping two at a time.
Most have gold glitter, except one, with pink or blue in it.
"Come on already!!" i hear someone yell.
I giggle then we pop another balloon.
"Its a girl!!!" I yell as the pink glitter went all over the floor.
Everyone cheered and smiled some laughing because they made bets on the gender.
"Guys, you can get some cake if you want. that thing was expensive and I dont want it to go to waste" I announce and people run to get a slice.

After a while most people left, only leaving about 4 people not including Jiyong and I.
"um, guys, do you think you can help us clean up?" Jiyong asks looking at everyone.
They all nod happily and we begin to pick up.
"Thank you guys" I thank them while holding a bag for trash.
"No problem y/n, anything for you" Jion told me smiling.
His big eyes squinting slightly.
"Y/n, can I have a hug before I go?" a familiar voice says behind me.
I turn to reveal a smiling Jinseo and Seunghoo behind me.
"Of course!!" I hug them both and smile.
"What about me?" I look at Sangwoo who was pouting.
I roll my eyes smiling and high him too.
We all talk for a bit longer and then they all leave.
Jiyong and I thank them once again for coming and for their help.
"No problem at all, our pleasure" Join said as they walked away.
(guys go listen to N.tic 'Once Again' and be blessed, thanks)
Jiyong closes the door and I collapse onto the couch.
"Ugh that was so exhausting!!" I complain while sitting. 
"I know, but at least its over" Jiyong sits beside me and rubs my belly.
I smile at him and he leans over to kiss my belly.
We then make our way to the bed room once again and lay down.
Then I hear something...
It sounded like gunshots?
Maybe it was just fire works...
I'll check in the morning
I thought to myself soon drifting to sleep.

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