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"Toast, I can make toast," Jenna suggests as she looks through the refrigerator.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena explains pouring two cups of coffee, one for herself and one for her sister. Elena hands it to Luca who stands leaning against the counter. As soon as the coffee enters her hands, Luca pours in as much creamer as the already mostly full cup could hold.

Just because these people don't have taste buds doesn't mean I can't. Luca smiles to herself as she stirs the blend together.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy asks hopefully as he walks into the kitchen.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared." Luca can hear how stressed-out her aunt is from her voice and watches sympathetically as the older woman runs around the kitchen.

Jeremy walks over to the twins and grabs Elena's coffee from her hands. Elena throws her hands up in defeat before pouring herself another cup. Luca snorts.

"Lunch money?" Jenna asks the three teens, trying everything she could think of to try and help.

"I'm good," Elena responds, and Luca nods in agreement. Jeremy grabs the money and Luca rolls her eyes. She knew that money wasn't going to food.

"Anything else? A number two pencil?" Jenna jokes, putting a book into her bag. "What am I missing?" Jenna asks herself.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena reminds her, taking a sip of her freshly poured coffee.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at..." Jenna pauses looking down at her watch "Now. Crap!" she panics and quickly starts getting ready to leave.

"Don't worry, Aunt Jenna." Luca's calming voice reassures. "We'll be fine."

Jenna sends the girl a grateful look before speed walking out of the kitchen.

"Are you ok?" Elena asks Jeremy, worried about their little brother.

Jeremy scoffs, "Don't start." he says before walking out of the kitchen.

"He'll be ok Lena, just give him time," Luca says sympathetically, looking at Elena's sad face.


"So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, which isn't all that, I know, crazy, but she just kept going on and on about it. I'm like put this lady in a home already," Bonnie laughs while driving, Elena sitting in the passenger's seat and Luca in the back.

"But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort island," Bonnie rambles on and Luca laughs at her friend. She quickly notices that her sister is quiet.

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