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"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out," Elena says walking down the stairs. Jenna looks at her as she grabs her bag, and Luca looks up at her from the couch.

"You're kidding," Jenna says and Luca smiles.

"Nope. But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away," Elena says and Luca snorts.

Yep, that's Jer.

"Psychology major. Check that," Jenna says jokingly. She grabs her keys and jacket. Luca looks over at Elena who is sadly looking down at her phone.

"You and Stefan?" Jenna asks. "Update?"

"He knows how I feel and where I stand, and I know where he stands, but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away," Elena explains and Luca feels sad. Not just for her sister, but because she was going to lose one of her best friends. She gets up and walks over to Elena, and grabs her jacket putting it on.

"Where's he going?" Jenna asks, shocked.

"I've stopped asking questions," Elena replies while opening the door for all of them. "The answers get scary."

Jenna scoffs. "Yours leaves. Mine returns."

Luca's eyes widen as they walk down the front steps. "Logan?" She asks, alarmed. She didn't know the details but she knew that Stefan had mentioned something about him when Vicki had first turned.

"Ugghhhh," Elena says unaware

"I didn't let him past the front door."

"Hope you slammed it in his face," Elena says and Luca laughs. She guesses she didn't hear anything about him.

"Ah, medium slam."

"3-strike rule, Jenna," Luca says looking over at her aunt. "You're not even allowed to watch the news."

"Exactly. No more Logan "Scum" Fell," Jenna says and the girls continue walking.


Luca watches as Matt and Caroline chat it up in the hallway. She smiles, they both need someone right now.

"Did I miss something?" Elena asks looking at the two.

"They've been hanging out," Luca explains. "Pretty comfy lately."

"Kinda weird don't you think?" Elena asks.

"She needs someone nice like him," Luca says, feeling guilty for not helping Caroline.

"As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon," Bonnie says and Luca feels uncomfortable. She completely understands why Bonnie hates Damon, she knows she should too. But she has all these confusing feelings for and about him. She's not quite sure what to do.

"Yeah. How are you doing with all that?" Elena asks Bonnie. Luca was also concerned.

"I'm freaked out," Bonnie answers honestly. "Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now but I'm also grateful." Luca looks at her curious.

"To Stefan. He saved my life, and... " Bonnie explains and Elena gets visibly uncomfortable. "Have you seen him?"

"Not since he told me he was leaving," Elena says and Luca is saddened. "For all I know, he's already gone."

He better not leave without saying goodbye to me.

"He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye," Bonnie reasons and Luca hopes.

"Yes, he would," Elena says taking her books out of her locker and shoving her scarf in. "He thinks he's protecting me. Clean break and all that."

"So what are you gonna do?" Bonnie asks.

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