[ xiii ]

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Luca can feel the warm sun on her face as she wakes up. She slowly opens her eyes and is blinded by the light. Letting out a quiet groan she turns her head away from her window and rubs her eyes.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

Luca gasps and quickly sits up, eyes wide and blood pumping. She relaxes immediately when she sees it's Damon. The man is sitting at the end of her bed, smirking at her.

Luca glares at him before asking, "Why do you have to be so obnoxious?" The girl stretches her arms above her head and arches her back, hearing it pop.

"Obnoxiously good looking, you mean."

Luca laughs and smiles at him. "Nope. Just obnoxious." She pulls the covers off her body and she stands from the bed. Walking over to her closet, she begins to dig through it as she searches for clothes for the day.

"Any particular reason you are here," she glances at the clock on her bedside table, "at this ungodly hour?"

"We have some very important business to discuss," Damon answers as he moves over to her desk. He is flipping lazily through her papers and sketchbook. "We have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working towards a common goal."

Luca turns to him with her clothes in her arms. "Right! Your little peace treaty with Stefan. And since Stefan's helping, me and Lena are helping."

Luca walks past Damon and into her connected bathroom, not closing the door all the way. "Stef explained it to us. Find the journal, get the spells, open the tomb, save your vampire lovers. Easy peasy," Luca jokes while changing her clothes. She barely raises her voice knowing Damon's vampire ears can hear her very clearly.

"Exactly. Elena is on journal duty, you will be joining her," Damon explains finishing his flipping.

Luca frowns and pulls the bathroom door all the way open to see him, having finished getting dressed as well. "Why do I get the boring part?"

Damon leans against the doorframe and watches as Luca brushes her hair. "You are Luca Gilbert, that makes you the perfect candidate to find Jonathan Gilbert's journal."

Luca groans and turns to him. "Fine, but next time I better get to do cool vampire stuff."


Luca spent the day looking at everything they still had about Jonathan Gilbert, only to come up empty handed. Luca had asked Elena if she had found anything and was informed that she had not.


Damon had come over as the sunset and insisted on making dinner. That was how Luca ended up sitting on the counter as Damon chopped vegetables.

"My father never approved of anyone I dated, which only made me want them more, of course," Damon says as they talk about whatever.

Luca hums, "Of course... What was your father's name?"

"Giuseppe," Damon answers, seeming surprised by her question, and Luca laughs.

"Giuseppe Salvatore? Why don't you have a super Italian name? Imagine if you were named, like, Mario," Luca teases, laughing at the thought of 'Mario'. Watching the girl laugh made Damon give a small fond smile, which he made sure she didn't see.

"And you say I'm obnoxious," Damon insults with no real heat. Luca gasps dramatically and puts a hand over her heart.

"You wound me, Mario. I thought we were closer than that," Luca says back trying to look serious but failing.

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