[ vii ]

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Luca knocks on the Salvatore house door. She's still kind of confused whether she's supposed to ring the little bell or what, but she feels stupid doing it, so she sticks with knocking.

She's not exactly surprised when it's Damon who opens the door, just disappointed. He smirks at her and she sighs. "Stefan here?" She asks.

"Yep," Damon says simply and Luca rolls her eyes.

"Where is he?" Luca asks, done with him.

"And good morning to you, little Miss 'I'm-on-a-mission'." Damon jokes.

"You're right, Damon. I apologize. Good morning. Isn't the weather nice, I'm sure you agree now that the sun isn't burning your face off," Luca snarks looking down at his ring.

"I don't know if your brave or just stupid to antagonize a vampire."

"Well if you wanted me dead, I'd be dead," Luca says, crossing her arms.

"Yes, you would," Damon agrees.

"And I wouldn't be able to stop you. You know, being all human and weak," she replies. "So unless you're planning to kill me right here and now, where is Stefan?"

"He's upstairs singing 'The Rain in Spain'. Knock yourself out," Damon snarks back before walking past her. Luca sighs and walks into the house, closing the door behind her.

"Stefan?" she calls out. She hears creaking and when she turns around she sees the door creaking open. "Stefan?"

"Yes," she hears him say from the top of the stairs. She turns and looks up at him. She hates that freaking door.

"Is Vicky upstairs?" Luca asks and Stefan nods, walking down to stand near her. "Okay so, what happens now? The whole town is out searching for her, my brother included."

"I'm working with her, but it's going to take time. She's a very volatile and impulsive personality. She's a drug user. I mean, all that's gonna play a part in how she responds to this," Stefan explains.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" She asks him.

"I'm gonna keep her here with me until I know that she's safe," Stefan says. Before Luca could reply Vicky interrupts.

"How long is that?" She asks standing at the top of the stairs.

"We can talk about that later," Stefan says to Vicky sighing. He turns back to Luca.

"Stefan, I think you need to tell Elena," Luca says and Stefan looks at her like she's crazy. "She said something about coming over later, and I think you should tell her."

Stefan inhales deeply. "I know, I will."

"Okay, well good luck, I have to get to school," Luca says smiling weakly at them.


Luca was with Bonnie as she got things out of her locker. "I have got our costumes!" Caroline sings as she hands the two black bags. "It's all here."

Bonnie and Luca pull out dresses and smile until they realize what the costumes were. "Seriously!?" Bonnie asks Caroline.

"Come on," Caroline whines. "Can someone please be excited that it's Halloween?" Luca sighs and pulls out a red witch hat. "I just wanna have fun, you know, just some silly, fluffy, Damon-free fun."

Luca looks at her friend sympathetically. Bonnie pulls out the ugly necklace from her bag. "Hey, isn't this the one you got from Damon?" Luca asks looking at it.

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