Chapter Eight - A Promise To Be Kept?

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Oh, we're close to 100 reads, when did that happen? But really, thank you guys so much for reading my story and I'm really sorry for not updating sooner, and honestly, I don't have an excuse. I'm going to try and keep updates regular, and I know I've said that before, but I'm really going to try for you guys. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter!


My eyes slowly fluttered open, I moved my hands around, phew, Jacob hadn't tied me up. Wait, this didn't feel like a floor? I sat up, quickly having to lay back down as my head started pounding. I let out a groan as I brought my hand to the back of my head, wincing as I shut my eyes tight. I rolled onto my side, away from the light pushing through the thin curtains, keeping my eyes closed as I bought the blanket up over my head, trying to block out the light, hopefully helping my pounding headache.


Jacob's POV


I sighed, running my fingers through my hair as I sat at the edge of my bed, my elbows resting on my legs. I didn't want to hurt Lola, that was never my intention. She's just so stubborn, she's never like that with Evan, never. That was probably because he was her boyfriend. Her boyfriend. I should be her boyfriend, not him. He doesn't deserve her.

I stood up, walking out of my room and towards Lola's, which was luckily just across the landing. I walked past Mason, giving him a quick nod before quietly opening her door, not sure if she was still asleep. A small smile grew on my lips as I saw she was still asleep, it was a smile of adoration. She looks so cute when she's asleep, curled up under the blankets. I walked over to her bed and sat down on the small space in front of her.

I reached down and gently pushed her hair from her face, a small, sleepy smile on her lips.

"Evan." I heard her whisper, causing my eyes to widen slightly. Wait, if she thought I was Evan.. No, I shouldn't. I need to wait for that until she wants to, but I could still use this time as an advantage.

"Hey." I whispered, trying to make my voice sound as much like Evan's as I could as I stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed, laying down next to her, sliding under the blanket.

She rolled over, resting her head against my shoulder, her hand on my chest playing with my t-shirt. I put my arm around her, gently massaging her back in small, circular motions, causing a soft sigh to escape her lips. My smile grew slightly as I kissed her forehead, my eyes closing as I pressed my nose to her hair.

"I'm sorry about last night." I said in a barely audible whisper. I immediately regretted saying that when her eyes opened and she looked up at me, slowly moving away from me.

"Please leave me alone." She said, her voice shaky.

"Lola, please. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.. I was just.. I was just angry." I say gently, reaching out and gently taking her hand, only for her to pull it away.

"I'd believe you a little bit more if it wasn't, what, the third time you'd hurt me?" She said, her voice sharp as she climbed off the bed, not realising that she was only wearing panties and a t-shirt.

I too stood up, looking over at her from the other side of the bed. "Lola." I said with a sigh, walking over to her "Please, just give me a chance, let's start again."

"You say that like we we're dating. We're not, Jacob. I've told you already, I'm with Evan, not you." OK, that stung. I tried to keep my anger down as I gently took her hands in mine.

"I know we're not dating, but give me a chance as a friend, please." I said, practically begging.

She stood there silently for a moment, seemingly thinking about it. "Do you promise not to hurt me anymore?" She asked, her voice timid and quiet. Surprisingly, she kept her hands in mine but I could see she wasn't comfortable.

I nodded quickly "I promise. I didn't want to hurt you anyway, it just.. happened." I said, my voice going a little quieter towards the end of my sentence, ashamed of what I'd done. I was bought up never to hurt a woman, but since my parents started arguing, that part of my life went down hill too.

I gave her a reassuring smile before she nodded slightly, sliding her hands from between mine. "One chance, Jacob. Just friends."

I nodded, giving her another smile as I slid my hands into the pockets of my jeans. "I'll let you get dressed." I said awkwardly, smirking as she looked down at her clothing then back at me, her lips parted slightly. I turned and walked towards the door, turning back to her as I reached it "Breakfast will be ready in about half an hour." With that, I left her room and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.


Lola's POV


I don't know if Jacob would keep his promise, and I don't know if it was a smart idea to give him another chance, but I'm a strong believer in second chances. If Jacob even tried to make a move on me, this chance is over. God, I hope Evan is trying to find me, I don't know how much longer I can cope with Jacob, and I'm definitely not being friends with him, I just don't want to be beaten everyday, harassed everyday.


Evan's POV


I was in full panic mode as I ran to Trisha's house, knocking on her front door loudly as I reached it.

"TRISHA!" I yelled, still knocking on her front door.

"Jeez, Evan. What's wrong?" She asked as she opened the door, letting me in.

"Lola's gone, and I think Jacob took her."

"What? Jacob's not like that." She said, confused.

"Yes, Trisha, he is. The night after the party I went down stairs because Lola was gone, and Jacob.. Jacob had her pressed against the wall. That's where she got those bruises on her wrist. Please Trisha, I need your help. Does Jacob have any other houses? Flats? Anywhere, I just need to find Lola." I explained, begged.

"I'll get my keys." She said, obviously still confused.


"I can't be sure, but Jacob goes away for the weekend without telling us, and none of his friends know where he is." She said as we got into Trisha's car.

"We need to find her. I can't bare to think what he's doing, or.. done to her." I said quietly as she started driving.


C H A P T E R 8 D O N E

Jacob, please. Stop ittttttt.

Heh, I can't believe he fell for the 'second chance' thing the little- No, Jasmine, stop it. You shouldn't put down your characters jeez.

oh yeAH. You guys think I'm Melody, uh.. no, we're the same person, well, this is awkward. ;o;

But yeah, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I wasn't really sure how to end it, and I know this isn't the longest chapter but at least it's a chapter, right?


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