Chapter Fifteen - Finally Free

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He was angry. No, he was far from angry. His eyes were a completely new shade of blue, one that I'd never seen before, not even when I'd almost escaped. I could see Evan looking up at me from the corner of my eye, only I couldn't look down at him. I could take my eyes away from Jacob in fear that when I did look away, he'd get me. He'd be able to reach me, even though I knew Evan wouldn't let him. Mason wouldn't let him. I didn't know how or why, but I knew Mason would protect me from Jacob.

I saw both Evan and Trisha stand up and turn to face Jacob, as did Mason. Behind Jacob appeared Travis, who seemed just as angry as Jacob.

"It's over, Jacob." Mason spoke up, passing Evan back his phone but not taking his eyes off Jacob or Travis.

"No, it's not." Jacob yelled, walking towards my room. He was speaking to Mason, but his eyes never left mine. This was something he knew terrified me, a smirk appearing on his lips as I cowered away, almost to the very edge of the bed, close to falling off. I blinked hard to stop the tears from falling from my eyes, but no matter how hard I tried, they fell.

I blocked out all the yelling from the five surrounding me, sliding off the bed and curling up into a ball, focusing on the sirens which got louder. Closer. I would finally be free. I didn't know just how much longer I could've lived like this. Well, I couldn't really call it living..

I let out long breaths, trying to keep them quiet, wanting neither Travis or Jacob to realise I was still here. I rocked slightly, trying to calm myself. I was going to get out. He couldn't hurt me anymore. I was going to go back to my old life, the one before I was taken from my own home.

I didn't notice the shouting have gotten louder, more people had joined in. Who? I had no idea until I felt a gentle pair of hands on my shoulders. They were small, which made me certain they weren't Jacob's. I hadn't realised I'd been crying until I looked up at the figure in front of me.

"It's alright, Lola. He's not coming back to get you, they've taken him." Trisha whispered as I rested my head on her lap, letting out small sobs as I cried. My cries weren't of sadness any more. They were of relief.

I wiped my cheeks dry and looked up at Trisha, who was looking down at me. Her brother had kidnapped her best friend. Her brother had been arrested. Her brother, the one that she thought would always be there to look after get, to protect her.

"A-are you okay?" I asked quietly. She nodded. I knew she wouldn't say how she was really feeling in a time like this. She was never one to put herself first.

Evan crouched down beside me, blowing out a sigh of relief as he opened his arms to me. Gladly, I moved into his arms, clinging onto his shirt as he wrapped his arms around me tight. The hug only lasted a minute, but it seemed for like hours. I looked over his shoulder and saw Mason. How come he hadn't been arrested? He seemed to have read my mind and gave me a small smile.

"I was the one that called them, Lola." He said quietly as he made his way over to the three of us, crouching down between Trisha and Evan.

I stayed sat in Evan's lap, my little finger linked with Trisha's.

"I-I don't understand. You worked for Jacob, why would you go against him like that?" I asked, my voice quiet as I looked up at him.

He gave a small sigh, running his hand through his hair. "I didn't intentionally work for Jacob. He said he needed a body guard or two, which is why Travis was here too. When he found out his was going to kidnap a girl, I wanted out. Then I found out who it was." He paused, and I tilted my head, confused. "Your name is Lola Simmons, right?" He asked and I nodded, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I think I'm your dad." He said quietly, looking down at the floor, avoiding my confused gaze.

"So why did you let him keep me here?" I asked, looking up at him. "Look at me." I begged, as he did "I've lived my whole life without a dad, and if there is even the smallest chance that you're what I didn't have, I don't even know if I want it. You let him lock me up and do.. That to me. I know you weren't there, but all the other things, you couldn't stopped. What kind of dad would do that?" I asked and stood up slowly, pulling Trisha and Evan with me, who looked at Mason then me.

Mason stood up and looked down at me, my comments had obviously stung. "I know I wasn't there, and I know that I could've done more. I didn't really believe myself when I figured that I might be your dad. Could you just give me a chance?" He begged.

I looked up at him, and as we'd both spoken, I'd felt Evan's grip tighten on my waist slightly, which caused me to flinch. He'd figured out what Jacob had done to me.

"I-I'll find you if I need you." I said quietly, looking down as I shook my head slightly.

I started to walk out the room, wanting to get out of this place and in the safety of Trisha's car. I was escorted down by a police officer who had been waiting outside. Her grip on me was gentle as she walked me down the stairs. Evan and Trisha followed close, and Mason only a few meters behind. I looked up as we got outside, regretting it as I saw Jacob pushed over the front of a police car, looking straight at me.

I blew out a breath as they lifted him and pushed him into the police car. He was gone and I was safe.

I didn't notice the police officer had stopped walking and had been speaking to me. I looked up at her as she gave me a small smile and a slight nod before walking over to Travis, who was causing a scene, saying that this whole ordeal had nothing to do with him.

I looked up at Evan, who gave me a large smile before hugging me, but not too tight as he had no idea where I was hurt. I rested my head on his chest and looked over at Trisha, who was to my left.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me." I said quietly to both of them.

They answered with silence, Trisha just giving me a smile and a nod.

"Shall we go, then? I'm sure you don't want to be here, just as much as I don't." Trisha said softly and I nodded, gently pulling away from Evan.


Ah! Alright guys, it's almost over. There's going to be one more chapter, but I think it'll be more of a narrative chapter.

And we're past 240 reads! Thank you guys so much. <3 I was just looking back on my previous chapters and on about chapter five, we only had 30+ reads on All Eyes On Me. Honestly, I didn't really expect to get even 50, so almost 200 over that is amazing!

I'll do the more sentimental stuff in an Authors Notes after the last chapter, which will also have a little more information about my other books that are soon to be released.

Sorry this is quite a short one, but I felt that I didn't need to add any more onto it.

Alright, I hope you guys like this chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and follow. (:


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