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The next morning seemed to come too fast. I was tired and groggy, but I had to get up. Seokjin was already up and cooking- he's such an early bird. I wonder what he was making, we only had some basic food in the fridge- none of us had the chance to do grocery shopping since the move. I yawned, then decided to go out on to the balcony to see what Seoul looked like in the daylight. When I stepped out, I was greeted with a morning chill. Since it was early October, the mornings and nights were always cool.

To my surprise, Taehyung was out on the balcony again, this time with a camera in hand. "Didn't expect to see you out here." I said.

The younger boy glanced up from his camera, smiling, "Oh yeah. I just wanted to do some photography. The view is really pretty so it'd be a waste not to take some pics."

"Well yeah, the view is amazing." I leaned on the railing, "Planning on posting it to Twitter or something?"

Taehyung shrugged, bringing the camera up to his face to take another picture, "Maybe. I can't get a good angle for the shot I want." I glanced over at him. He was standing on his toes, adding a few centimeters to his height. "I have an idea," Taehyung spoke, "But it's probably really stupid and dangerous."

I looked over at Taehyung again. He was trying to climb onto the railing for a higher angle. "No- Tae, don't do that, you'll fall."

"That's why I said it was stupid and dangerous."
I gruffed, "Stop before you hurt yourself, if you're going to be idiotic at least do it safely." I stepped close to the edge, offering my hand for Taehyung to use for support.

He slowly stood up on the railing, using my arm for leverage as he did so. "Don't fall. I can't believe you're actually doing this." I said flatly. Anxiety flooded over me watching him do this, but I had to keep composure and external 'swag'.
Taehyung leaned back on the wall and positioned his camera. The camera made a shuddering sound as he took several pictures. The boy seemed content with the pictures he took, then glanced at me. "Ummmm...can you help me down?" He asked with a nervous smile.

I let him use my arm for support as he hopped down from the railing. "Look at the pictures, though!" Taehyung flashed his rectangular smile, "They came out really good."

Taehyung passed me the camera. I scrolled through the photos he had taken. His talent with photography blew me away. I guess his crazy idea of standing on the railing was worth it. "You're not half bad at this picture taking thing." I said cooly, "Even if you had to do that stupid stunt to do it. But, hey, as long as you didn-"
"Yoongi! Food!" Seokjin called from the kitchen.

"I gotta go." I said as I turned to head back inside.

"Wait," Taehyung said abruptly, "Meet me back out here later?" There was a brief moment of silence, "I think I'll need your help taking some more pictures, I want this view at night from the same angle." He tact on to the end.

"Sure," I gave him a half smile, "What time?"

"Works with me, see you then.", I stepped back inside, closing the door behind me. 

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