Little Fights

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A week passed. Taehyung and I had only talked on the balcony twice, both times just being a short exchange on how our days have went.

"Yoongi!" Seokjin groaned from the other room, "If you're going to stay up later practicing, at least play well! I don't want to hear you losing the tune every five seconds at half past 11!"

"Sorry!" I shot back snarkily, taking my hands off my keyboard "I'd like to see you make original compositions this late! I haven't had time for the past few days and I'm running behind!"
He let out a whine, "Do it tomorrow! I'd like to get some sleep tonight!"

"Yeah, and I'd like to not have to be stressed out over deadlines for songs!"
Then an argument ensued. I angirly stormed out to the balcony, needing some fresh air and time away from Seokjin. The scent of an oncoming rain lingered in the crisp air. Even though the smell usually meant a storm was coming I found it oddly relaxing. Seoul was lit up brightly as usual. Even though it was getting chilly outside, it didn't stop people from living it up in the city. The cold bothered me, but I didn't want to go back inside for a jacket. I rubbed my bare arms, wishing I hadn't worn a short sleeve shirt. At least my sweatpants were comfy and warm.

A few minutes passed before I heard the familiar sound of the glass doors sliding open, except it was coming from Taehyung's balcony.

"Here." The boy said, stepping out and handing me a hoodie over the gap, "I'm guessing you don't really wanna go inside and I knew it was cold out."

I looked at Taehyung, then at the hoodie in his hand. I accepted it, sliding it on over my thin tee shirt. A moment passed. "I heard you two through the wall." Taehyung spoke quietly, "Do you wanna talk about it or?..."
I sighed, leaning on the railing, "I'm just frustrated with him...and stressed. He doesn't understand."

"How come you didn't go to the studios?" He asked as he gazed into the cloudy sky.

"It's far. Besides, I'd most likely end up staying the night, and he'd just get mad at me for that." I paused before sighing again, "Sorry. I really didn't want for you to hear that."
A few awkward moments passed before Taehyung said something. "Are you okay?"

I forced a smile, "I'm fine."

"No you're not." Taehyung mumbled, "If you were you wouldn't be standing out here."

I pulled his hoodie close to me. It smelled like him, which was- somehow- calming. "Stop being right."

So we talked, the conversation drifting away from me and Seokjin's fight. It slowly turned into Taehyung trying to make me laugh and smile, and he was doing a good job at it. I hadn't even realized we'd spent nearly two hours just talking. Needless to say, I was feeling much better after talking with Taehyung.

At this point, I hadn't even bothered with staying standing. I was laying on the ground against the railing closest to Taehyung's balcony. Taehyung kept moving around, going from sitting to pacing to leaning on a railing or wall.

He yawned, "Hyung, I'm sleepy."

"Then go to sleep. It's, what, one in the morning?"

"Yeah," He leaned on the railing closest to mine, "But I don't wanna go back inside. I like talking with you."

I nodded, staring up at the sky, "Yeah, I guess it's pretty nice just talking." The clouds had moved, showing some more moonlight than before. Earlier, it had rained a little, but it was only a drizzle. The night was still chilly, if it wasn't colder than earlier. I pulled Taehyung's hoodie tighter around me.

A moment passed. "You know," Taehyung started, "Last week, when I asked you what you'd do if you weren't scared, and you said you'd tell people what you do in secret, you never said what you do."
"I didn't plan on telling."

"And you didn't stand on the railing to see Seoul at night."

"But now it's late and I could fall."

Taehyung reached over the railing, trying to poke me, but his arm falling short. "But it's so pretty! You'll love it. C'mon! Please!" He beamed as he pleaded

I gave him a soft smile and stood up. "Fine, but if I die-"

"You won't! C'mon do it!"

I slowly climbed up on the railing as Taehyung let me use his arm for support. With even more caution, I stood up and leaned back on the wall. It was terrifying; one slip and I would fall and get seriously injured or even killed. My heart hammered in my ears. How could Taehyung do this with such a cheery expression?!
"You okay?" Taehyung asked, noticing how pale my face was.

"Yeah, yeah..."

I inhaled sharply and looked out at Seoul. The view was breathtaking. The bright city lights illuminate the inky black night sky. Even though it was after the midnight, the metropolis was bustling. The city sounds could be heard from here. A lake that wasn't visible from the ground was able to be seen. Lights of the city reflected off the water's surface, creating a wonderful mix of colors.

"Woah..." I breathed.

"Cool, right?" Taehyung smiled as he helped me down.

My legs were shaking from the fear of standing up on the railings. The risk was worth the view. "Yeah. Scary as fuck, but cool."

I went back to laying against the railing closest to Taehyung's. There was a bit of a pause, but a comfortable one. "This means a lot to me, Tae." I said after a bit, "I didn't ask you to stay out here for hours with me. You're a good friend."

"Wait, are you actually saying something heartfelt without any sarcasm or anything?" Taehyung asked with a joking tone.

I shrugged, "Guess so."

Taehyung laid near the railing closest to my balcony. "Are you tired?"

I nodded, "We've been out here for a while." I curled up on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest, "Wanna go back in?"

"Not particularly but I will fall asleep out here if I don't". Now that I was paying attention more, I noticed how sleepy Taehyung's voice was.

"Go to sleep, Tae." I yawned, "You need it."

"Well so do you."

"Sleep promise?"
Sleep promises were a thing we had in the group. It was just a pact that you and someone else would both go to sleep. I've made my share of sleep promises. My bad habit of staying out late at the studios called for a lot of them.

"Sleep promise." Taehyung slipped his arm through the slots of the railing and made a pinkie promise with me.

"Good night, Tae." I smiled as I got up.


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