Before an Event

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Only a week had passed, and at least three nights out of the week, I had talked to Taehyung on the balconies. Other members started noticing changes- how Taehyung was constantly bringing me food on days I worked late or how I'd be more smiley around Taehyung. We'd been getting closer during our balcony talks- having more serious conversations rather than random ones. Tonight we probably wouldn't talk, though. We had a fan meet tonight, which meant early wake up call and probably not getting home until midnight.

Six in the morning, we were in the van to head to the venue. Fan meets didn't involve as much practice as a concert, yet they weren't as easy to pull off as a fan sign. Fan meets required entertaining the audience, whether by interviews or games.

"Hyung," Taehyung whined, sitting window side on my left, "Why do we have to do this so early?"

I shrugged, "Business, I guess."
We had only been driving for a few minutes when Taehyung had fallen asleep, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Hey!" Hoseok exclaimed, "How come Taehyung's allowed to do that? You always act like you'll die of the plague if any of us tried that!"
I glanced over at Taehyung, then back at Hoseok. "He's asleep." I replied flatly.

"But he could use the window! He's right next to it!"

"Doesn't change the fact that he's asleep, unlike your needy ass." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey!!!", Seokjin called from front, "Language, Yoongi!"

I scoffed, crossing my arms.

The drive wasn't too long, only half an hour. Taehyung was sound asleep on my shoulder the whole time. It was only 7 in the morning when we got to the venue. Fans had already been waiting outside. They started to scream as soon as they saw us. We were used to fangirls shouting at us by now, but it was still annoying. Taehyung was walking next to me, but he still looked like he could fall asleep at any given moment.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked as I sheltered him from fans who were trying to get to him, "I know it's early but you're usually not this tired."

Taehyung shook his head, "I didn't realize how late I stayed up, but I'm fine. I just need coffee or something."

The inside of the venue just looked like a standard room. PD's and managers were busy at work setting up tables and signs. They couldn't have been here for much longer than us judging by how little was set up.

"Alright," Namjoon said once we got inside and away from fans, clapping his hands together, "So this is a double event, so it's fan meet, break, fan sign. Fans come in at one in the afternoon, so that gives us, what, six hours prep. Prep including makeup, hair, wardrobe, of course. So that would give us maybe four or five hours of prep for the actual event."

Namjoon droned on about the same things he did every time. I had stopped listening, yet everyone else seemed to be paying attention. My gaze drifted to the ceiling as I dazed out in thought.

"YOONGI!" Seokjin shouted, snapping his fingers in front of my face, which brought me back into reality. "Did you even hear Namjoon's question for you?!"

I stared blankly before shyly answering, "Yes?"
"Then what's the answer?"

"Uh..." I thought of any questions that Namjoon could've possibly asked, "I...sure?"

Seokjin huffed, turning back to Namjoon. "He wasn't paying attention, repeat for him!"

"Are you fine with sitting in between Taehyung and Seokjin?" Namjoon repeated with such clarity.

I gave an affirmative nod, "Yeah."

We went to get hair and makeup done, but not all the stylist were here yet, so we decided to settle it maturely: rock, paper, scissors. Jungkook and Jimin had won, so they got to get their hair and makeup done first while the rest of us just got changed into the clothes prepared for us. 

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