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"Hyung," Taehyung surveyed the area, then announced, "I'm going to do something incredibly stupid." Before I even had time to look up to see what he was doing, Taehyung had climbed over the railing, standing on the outside of it. With shaking hands, he reached over to my side and pulled himself across the gap. Taehyung then proceeded to climb over my railing.

Once he was safely on my balcony, he wrapped his arms around me in a comforting embrace. I wanted to push him away, and yet, before I realized what I was doing, I hugged him back, burying my face in his chest. He held me like this for some time as I quietly cried.

"Yoongi-hyung," Taehyung finally spoke in a comforting-yet-firm voice, "What's wrong?"
"You-..." I sighed, "You wouldn't understand."

The look of concern in Taehyung's eyes was painful. I couldn't bring myself to look at him in the face. "It's not like you," His voice was quiet, barely a mumble, "To break down in tears like that. Are you okay?"
I nodded, "Just- yeah...I'm fine..."
There was a brief silence. "Do you want another hug?" Taehyung asked.
I paused before answering: "Yes."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him. I leaned into him a little- he didn't seem to mind. "It's weird seeing you like this," Taehyung spoke, not letting go of me as he did so, "You're always so composed."

I sighed, twiddling with the fabric on the back of Taehyung's jacket. "It's weird having you see me like this," I sighed, "Usual you're never are around to see my cry."

Taehyung pet my hair with one hand, his other still hugging me close to him. "Are you okay?" He sighed softly, "I can understand if you don't wanna talk about it, but I ha- I just wanna make sure you were okay."

"What were you gonna say before that?"
He gave a look, "What'd you mean?"
"You stopped yourself." I leaned on Taehyung a little more. This position was so comfy and warm. I didn't want him to let go, "What were you gonna say?"
"I'll tell you later." Taehyung smiled, "But you're better now, right?"

I nodded. Seeing that I wasn't an emotional mess, Taehyung went to let go. "Wait no," I said, hugging him a little tighter, "You're warm and I'm comfy, just like 5 more minutes."

I slid over, giving Taehyung enough space to sit down with me. We started talking, the conversation drifting from topic to topic. "It's been a lot more than 5 minutes." Taehyung smiled. At least an hour had passed.

"But here is so comfortable." I whined, my head resting on Taehyung's chest, "A little longer."
"Fine," Taehyung pet my hair again, "But if you fall asleep on me I will take pictures for blackmailing purposes"

Another hour of talking. I was starting to get sleepy, but I wouldn't let Taehyung see that. If he did, he'd make me get up, and my bed wasn't as cozy as being held in Taehyung's arms.
"Hyung," Taehyung poked my cheek, "You're like half asleep. Wanna go back inside?"
"No," I mumbled, my voice weary, "Just a little longer..."

"I thought you didn't like this huggy cuddly stuff." Taehyung was combing his fingers through my hair again, "But you seem to be really enjoying this."

"Shut up."

We tried to talk, but I had started dozing off a few minutes in. Taehyung stopped trying to have conversation and just let me use him as my personal pillow and body warmer. The next morning, I woke up to the glass door sliding open. Oh fuck, I thought.

"Yoon-" Seokjin stepped out, immediately seeing me and Taehyung. Before I had time to realize what was going on and get up, Seokjin had already whipped out his phone to take a picture. I got up and tried to take the phone from his hand, but Seokjin held it out of my reach.

Taehyung jolted away from my sudden movement. "Yoo- ah shit." Taehyung exclaimed upon seeing Seokjin. "I mean...crap."
Seokjin stuffed his phone into his pocket. "Either of you care to explain what I just walked in to?"

My face went red as a tomato, "It's...nothing.""Doesn't look like nothing." Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows, "Something tells me you are fal-"

"No!" I cut him off, flustered, "I- No! Don't you say anything along those lines! It's- It's nothing!" Taehyung covered his mouth, seemingly laughing at something he was thinking.
 "Uh-huh," Seokjin nudged me with his elbow, "Breakfast is ready, you two. Come and eat."  

Seeing Stars || BTS TaeGiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora