Another Late Night Talk

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"When are we leaving for Japan?" Taehyung asked, a blanket wrapped around him as he sat on the ground of his balcony. It had only been two days since the fan sign/meet dual event- two days since the TaeGi ban was put into place. I'm sure they were all still talking about us, though. The air was cold, the scent of winter lingering in the wind. Weather reports called for light snow within the next two weeks. People on the streets had already started wearing heavier coats. I'd still wear hoodies, though.

"Next week," I said, Fenriz the zebra plush sitting in my lap, "Next Sunday."

"How bad is air pollution in Japan?" Taehyung asked, staring at the night sky.

I thought for a second, "Bad but not as bad as here. We get more smog and stuff from China than the Japanese do."
"Hm..." Taehyung tapped his chin, "Good enough to see the sky clearly?"

"Why do you wanna know? And maybe, depends on how it is that day. Some days you won't be able to, but other days you will be."

"I promised you I'd take you stargazing the next time we left the country," Taehyung grabbed himself a stuffed animal to use as a pillow, "And Japan isn't South Korea so it's out of county. So I have to take you to do it."

I glanced over at Taehyung. That promise had completely slipped my mind. "You don't have to-"
"Yes I do!" He cut me off, "It was a promise! A pinkie promise at that."

I paused, then smiled softly. "Fine, you can take me stargazing, but I won't be upset if you don't."

"You won't tell any of the others about this, right?" Taehyung's voice was quiet, almost as if he didn't want to ask.

I glanced over at him, "What's wrong? You never mumble like that unless something's wrong."
"But you heard the stuff they were saying about us, right?" Taehyung asked, "Or were you actually asleep?"

I shook my head, "No, I was awake-ish. I heard everything they said. You did, too?"
"Yeah..." Taehyung looked down, "It'd be annoying if they found out about this. They'd never let it go. Even Jungkook tries to find out what's up between me and you even though nothing really happens. If he found out we went- are planning to go stargazing together..."

Taehyung was right. If the others found out about any of this, they wouldn't stop making a big deal out of it. The talking behind our backs would just happen more and more. It'd likely get out to ARMY, too (whether it's slipped accidentally or on purpose).

"That'd be a mess," I said, "You gotta keep your mouth shut about it, too, though."

"Fine." Taehyung paused before asking one of his random questions, "How do you think the world will end?"

"Well? How do you think it'll end? I think...hmm...dinosaur sized hedgehogs on laser sharks."

I laughed. Taehyung's rough segways from serious topics to random ones were entertaining. They always lead to weird conversations, too.

Just as I went to answer Taehyung's question, a strong gust of wind blew. It cut through my hoodie, making me shiver. "Wait for a second." Taehyung got up, his blanket still wrapped around him.

A few moments passed before the glass door slid open. I was expecting it to be Seokjin, but instead it was Taehyung. He pulled the other chair next to mine and tossed the blanket he had been wearing over the both of us. The blanket was soft and already warm.

"Or I could've just gotten a coat." I smiled softly, "This works too, I guess."

"This is more fun." Taehyung poked the zebra plush in my lap, "Seokjin-hyung hasn't asked any questions about Fenriz?"

"Yeah, he hasn't." I leaned back on the chair a little, "Did he ask any questions as to why you were coming through our room?"

"Nah, I don't think he cared." Taehyung looked up at the sky again, "How come you like the sky?"
I looked at him, "You are all over the place. How do you go from laser hedgehogs ending the world to that?"

Taehyung shrugged.

I sighed, knowing I'd have to answer the question. Taehyung wouldn't let me live it down if I didn't. "It's calming," I said, "And it's pretty. Do you like it?"

He gave a nonchalant shrug, "Never really tried it before. I can't really stay still long enough to enjoy it."

"You'd like it." I promised him, "When we go to Japan, bring your camera."

"I will," Taehyung sat cross legged on the other chair, reaching over my lap to pet the stuffed zebra, "What got you into stargazing?" The genuine curiosity in his voice was adorable. There was no way I could refuse to answer him.

"When I was a kid- teenger more accurately- I got really mad at my parents and ran away. And before you say anything, it was just for a night. During then, I didn't know what to do, so I went to this field and there was this huge ass hill there. There was a tree on top of it, and I laid down there and just stared at the sky because I had left my phone at home. The sky and all that helped me calm down, so whenever I got frustrated or needed to calm down, I'd either play piano or stargaze- or skygaze. All the smog makes it hard to see the stars sometimes." I told him, thinking back to that night. I could recall it all so clearly. Maybe because it was one of the riskiest (and most stupid) things I did when I was younger.

Taehyung listened with awe. "You ran away?! How old were you?"

"14," I answered, "To be honest, I was a bit scared when I did it, after I calmed down a bit."

"You, scared?" Taehyung cocked an eyebrow, " Yoongi and scared are never in the same sentence, though. Unless it's like 'Yoongi scared me'."

"Well it was such a long time ago," I pet Fenriz the Zebra again. Even I was surprising myself by opening up to Taehyung so much. I hadn't even told Seokjin this story before. "I was just a kid, and it was the first time I did something dangerous and impulsive. And I only got scared after it dawned on me that 'Oh shit, I'm alone in the middle of the night and I barely know where I am'."

"Did you do anything else like that in your childhood?" Taehyung perked up a little, "You've never really told anyone anything about when you were younger."

So we sat there, sharing a blanket at I told stories of my youth. Taehyung was fascinated by it. He eagerly listened, occasionally telling his own stories. Time seemed to fly by. I'd only realized how much time passed when Taehyung- who had been leaning on my shoulder- started snoring softly.
Taehyung looked so comfortable resting against me. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up. Pulling the blanket tighter around us, I got cozy and fell asleep, resting my head on top for Taehyung's. 

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